please help!!!



how do you know if a mushroom is dead or dying?
I just received a couple and put them in the dt and watched them for about 5 min they looked fine. I went to eat came back 1 hr later and they had drifted to the ground under my live rock. So I put them in my refugium and am trying to get them to take hold of some rock and they look like they are dead or dying. These are my first mushrooms PLEASE HELP!!!


Active Member
1st step: relax
2nd step: wait for a week for them to attach to some sand or a rock
3rd step: realize mushrooms are nearly bulletproof as far as corals go.
no worries. as long as you have decent light on your fuge they have a great chance at survival.


Active Member
The purple looks fine. The white one, i don't believe is supposed to be white. Looks like it is bleached


Active Member
y dont we just get some super glue and glue them to a piece of lr.
isnt th right puffer...

instad of the cut and band method lol


Active Member
I am normally the LAST guy to ask water specs but that white mushroom looks like something is wrong in that tank. Whats your Alk and PH at?.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
y dont we just get some super glue and glue them to a piece of lr.
isnt th right puffer...

instad of the cut and band method lol
If his shrooms don't have any sand stuck to it, you can't glue the slimy body to a rock. But you are right, it is the best way


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
I am normally the LAST guy to ask water specs but that white mushroom looks like something is wrong in that tank. Whats your Alk and PH at?.
He just got these shrooms, so the problem came from anothers tank.
Did someone actually sell this mushroom to you????


the pulple one has stuff on the bottom so I will try and super glue gel it but I think the white one is dead it has not moved at all. should I remove it or give it some time?


no I got them from a friend and he said it had color at first then it turned white. Im not sure what the color was at first.


New Member
I got my 90 gallon tank from a friend of a friend and he had not replaced the burnt out lights they had no light for over 3 months .I replaced 2 of the power compacts then waited a month then replaced the other 2 and I'm getting color back in the 2 mushrooms that were white.I only lost one of the mushrooms that were white and I think that was more my fault because it was attached to a piece of rock that I moved 50 times I think.All the leathers are coming back strong I have mushrooms all over.I got the tank in March and my friend said it never look as good as it does now.So hang in there I also feed my corals reef bugs and once a week I feed them small pieces of sliders I love to watch'em close up while they eat.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1tang2nemo
ph is about 8.3 and alk is between 1.022 and1.023
Its correct that the prob happened in someone elses tank sinc eyou just recieved them, but to clarify the 1.022- 1.023 isnt that your Salinity?
I read the post about no lights for months at a time, that will create the temporary albino look but often once the bleaching has happened it is very hard for the specimen to recover.
I wish you luck all the same with both of them.