please help??



Hi everyone
Im new to fish keeping and marines especially. I purchased a marine tank a few weeks ago got it all set up. Had my water levels tested on saturday and they were fine. I put two clown fishes in and one died sunday night.
I seem to be having problems with the heater. The temperature was bang on 25 all day, but when the heating in my house came on the temp rose to 28!, im having real problems in trying to understand why, obviously the heat from the house is heating up the tank. Is there any way i can control this as i desperatley dont want to loose my other one??
Please if anyone can advise, i would be greatfull
many thanks in advance


Thanks for the reply
What do you mean by cycle, (sorry to sound a bit vague)
thanks kate


My other clown fish has been stressed out tonight again with the heat, its been swimming up and down irratically.
They only way i could cool it down was by adding some water a bit at a time.


Welcome 2 The Boards

Have you had any brown algae growing on your sandbed or rocks? This is a sign that your cycle is near the end... Do another water test on Ammonia...
I agree that temp change won't kill a healthy clown...More then likely you had an ammonia spike...Remember to check your water everyday while the cycle is going...


thanks so much for the replies and welcome
The peeps in the shop told me how to do it. I put the fish in the bag in my tank for 20mins to get used to the water. The they told me to empty the fish and the water into a bowl. Then drain (but only on a drip tap) some of my tank water into the bowl the fish was in so it gets used to the water in the tank for about an hour, then to empty the fish and water into my tank.
Have i been advised right?
I have been going outta my mind with worry as u can imagine. I have called the shop that are supposed to be experts and they didnt really seem to know why it was happening. They asked me if the tank was near a radiator, which it isnt, other than that they just told me to come down with my water sample and they would check it again for me.


The main think i try to do when acclimating a fish is to get the salt level in my tank to read very closely to the salt level in the bag where the fish is...Thats basicly the whole point in acclimation...


Thanks for that Cal, it useful to know, i am a beginner. I took advice from the guys at the shop as i thought they would have known all about this, but they havent told me anything like this.
Thanks once again!!


Originally Posted by kate26
Thanks for that Cal, it useful to know, i am a beginner. I took advice from the guys at the shop as i thought they would have known all about this, but they havent told me anything like this.
Thanks once again!!
No Problem...

If you have anymore questions feel free to ask on here there's tons of people on here that know a lot when it comes to this hobby


Active Member
Also, never pour anyone else's water into your tank. They don't want yours, you don't want theirs.
Go to the New Hobbyist section on the main page of the forum, it is the first one. Inside that section, on the top of the page are 3 different threads that ALL have boatloads of information that will be very useful to you. It will take a while to get through it all, but it is well worth it.
What are your test parameters? Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, specific gravity, and anything else you test for. It will be much easier to advise you if we knew what your water conditions are.


Yup you're going to have to give readings of ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, ph and salinity (specific gravity) for us to fully help.


Hi guys
thanks for your help and advice.
Im not sure of my readings as they do it at the shop for me. I take it regularly, i suppose i could always ask them and post