Please Help


Hi all I just purchased a Sebae Anemone and I need some help. I know that it needs strong lighting and GREAT water condition what I need is help on feeding. I have three clown fish in the tank and I know it may take some time for one of then to host the anemone. When I was at the fish store I asked what do they eat? The guy there said meat, and gave me some frozen Prawn to feed it. My question is, Is that what I need to feed it and how do I feed it? Do I need to defrost the prawn completely? Is prawn what they eat? Where does the food go? Can I put it on the tentacles or do I need to put the food in the middle?
Please help and THANK YOU!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bigyb
Hi all I just purchased a Sebae Anemone and I need some help. I know that it needs strong lighting and GREAT water condition what I need is help on feeding. I have three clown fish in the tank and I know it may take some time for one of then to host the anemone. When I was at the fish store I asked what do they eat? The guy there said meat, and gave me some frozen Prawn to feed it. My question is, Is that what I need to feed it and how do I feed it? Do I need to defrost the prawn completely? Is prawn what they eat? Where does the food go? Can I put it on the tentacles or do I need to put the food in the middle?
Please help and THANK YOU!!!

yeah they eat prawns, and small silver sides. what u have to do is cut the prawns into peaces that is about the size of its mouth. they need to be fairly small. yes u have to defrost it completely because anemones dont like very cold things. they capture there food with their tentacles, but its better to put it right where its mouth is. and when they poop it comes out of where it ate the prawn. it will look like clear jelly or chunky shrimp, i dont know im not acutely sure what it looks like because i have never been able to feed any of my 10 anemones b4. they always died within a week or so. never found out why


Here is a link will answer all your questions. Anemone poop is brown and stringy, sounds like Mr. Clownfish's anemones is spiting out food partially undigested.
Karen recomends silversides, I personally don't feed silversides but many have good luck with them. I would also recomend raw table shrimp, krill, mysis, scallops, any marine based fish will do. You can soak while thawing in selcon or zoe to boost nutrition. Check the rest of this site, loads of informaton w/photos.
: )


WOW Thank you for teling me about the poop I was looking at my guy and there was what I now know as poop around the hole today. What do I do? Do I leave it there and it will go away or do I have to remove it. If so how?


I use a turkey baster and suck it out. Whenever I can, I do, less waste in the system is a good thing. It won't really hurt anything if you leave it, will break down but it's better for your bioload to remove. : )


Originally Posted by Lmecher
I use a turkey baster and suck it out. Whenever I can, I do, less waste in the system is a good thing. It won't really hurt anything if you leave it, will break down but it's better for your bioload to remove. : )
Thank You you are a big help that is why I love this site. After I get the tank cleaned up I will post some pics