What should i get? i want a all in one nano tank that comes with everything i need. im looking at 3 tanks right now. JBJ 24G Nano Cube, BioCube 29G, and an AquaPod 24G. what should i get? i really like the JBJ 24G Nano Cube. but i just dont know. im just fifteen and i am on a budget of about $250. i had a 25 gallon tank but it cracked so i sent my live stuff to a friend to keep for me until i get another tank. what is the best for me in my situation? all i need is a tank and i dont wanna worry about all my filters breaking bc the ones i have now r giving me a hard time. so i want a all in one. i have everything else. i took about 80% of the water from the tank and its is in a container with a heater and powerhead and ima put it in the tank when i get it. someone plzz help me