Please Hepl Me Choose


What should i get? i want a all in one nano tank that comes with everything i need. im looking at 3 tanks right now. JBJ 24G Nano Cube, BioCube 29G, and an AquaPod 24G. what should i get? i really like the JBJ 24G Nano Cube. but i just dont know. im just fifteen and i am on a budget of about $250. i had a 25 gallon tank but it cracked so i sent my live stuff to a friend to keep for me until i get another tank. what is the best for me in my situation? all i need is a tank and i dont wanna worry about all my filters breaking bc the ones i have now r giving me a hard time. so i want a all in one. i have everything else. i took about 80% of the water from the tank and its is in a container with a heater and powerhead and ima put it in the tank when i get it. someone plzz help me


Active Member
if you can afford it, go with the biocube 29, it will give you that much more room, and trust me, you will be able to find a LOT of info on modding a biocube on here, and all the mods are DIY mods that are really easy to carry out


but if i cant afford it. i really like the JBJ Nano Cube. do u know anything about that? will it support a reef aquarium?


Active Member
the jbj is a nice system as well, all 3 of em, i recommend the biocube over the others cause it is slightly bigger, an bigger is always better, but, if you cant afford it, but can afford the jbj or the nanopod, go with them, they're just as easily modded, an can support the reef system.
what kind of lights did you have your 25?


Active Member
then, if you have any problems with the lights on the cube, whichever one u get, just yank the hood off, they come off very easily, and throw ur T5's over the top


Active Member
its ok if they over lap a lil bit, til you can afford a pendant, they'll work if thte stock lights dont work, so dont worry about that, all you'll have to do is hang them from the ceiling, no big deal, 2 eyebolts drilled into the ceiling, a small chain attached to each, hanging the light fixture over the aquarium, just make sure you center it


ok, but i will prolly use the stock lighting or just upgrade them later. i will prolly sell the t5s bc u can upgrade the stock lights in the hood right?


Active Member
yes, i do believe you can, so, if you can get your money outta those T5's, go for the upgrade, but, a lot of people do just yank the hoods off :p it helps a LOT with heating issues


Active Member
but, if you pop MH in there, you'll have serious overheating issues, thats why so many people yank the cover off, hang a MH pendant, an bam


Active Member
Might help a little bit. If i remember right the Tank hood has a feeding lid on it. Maybe if you Removed the feeding lit it would help reduce any heat issues.. I did that on my aquapod and never had any heat problems