Please ID my clown


It was sold as a true then I heard it looks like a false but now counting the spines it may actually be a true. I had one die in the QT and this is the other one that is going into the Dt after 3 1/2 weeks in the QT.
I want to get another one but am afraid I will get the wrong kind. I count a max of 10 spines



Thanks, Dont mind the food over his head. He was camera shy.
it's nice that they sold them to me at a huge discount of $30 each
they wanted $50 each.
Also notice the ground probe in the background. The Qt had 44 v in it and killed the other along with some of the other Chromis. This one was about to go as well but with the help of this forum I found the problem and all was better in the morning
Here is a pic of him saying help me you idiot I am getting shocked. I feel so bad for overlooking that. He will be happy in the 150 tomorrow.


How long has he been in QT? He looks good, I am just wondering. They charged you $30 each for these guys? If so, then don't go back to them. Ocellaris are $15 at almost any store. Percs go for $30 each, normal price.


It has been 3.5 weeks now. You may not recall but you helped me when he was in bad shape.
I really screwed up going to the lfs. I trusted them and paid for everything up front then after research found out that most everything was not what I needed. Even though I had not picked the stuff up they informed me of the no cash refund policy so I am burning up a few hundred dollars of store credit

So are you guys seeing a spine I missing ? How can I tell when I pick up another.


It is the colors that I go by. Ocellaris have thin lines between the colors. Percs have thicker black lines between the stripes. Stores like that are only useful for dry goods. I wouldn't even bother picking up anything live there again. I didn't realize until I saw that last picture. I do remember. I asked you why the fish was so faded, but it was from the camera


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
I do not think that true Percs and Ocellaris can go together. It is a completely different breed of clown.
Ditto. I would go with another False Perc. Usually cheaper, and the TR are hardier.
Thank God for that too, or there'd be a lot more dead Nemos out there.