Please ID this for me


Hello, I was told that this is a devils hand but Im not sure about that. It used to have little nubs sticking out of the body and now it doesnt. What is this and what kind of flow and food does it need? What kind of light, high or low?
Thanks, Josh


Active Member
looks like a type of umbrella leather. The things thAT used to stick out of it were its polyps. imo it doesnt look to healthy. How long has it been polyp less

nm reef

Active Member
Define "Oh and my water tests good"...and how long has your tank been established/cycled? Also provide a bit of info on your circulation. Do you have any other
It looks like a sarcophyton...maybe...:notsure:
If so it also looks sort of glossy...they tend to shed or slough off the outer layer especially when moved to a new location and a new system. A little more flow...but not too much...will help it shed. Give it some time and insure a low/moderate current...moderate to high light...stable water chemistry...and it should do fine.:thinking:


Ok, the 5 basic tests read fine. Salanity is at .024, ph is at 8.2 or 8.1, dont remember, amonina is at 0, nitrite is at 0 and nitrate is at 10. The flow is kinda low in the whole system but I now have a powerhead pointed at it and its up closer to the lights. There are a few polyps coming out now. I do have a green goblet and a few snails and blue leg hermits and a lawnmower blennie. I also have some yellow zoos and a couple of feather dusters. the tank has been set up for about 6 or 7 months. It is still shiny but it looks like the gloss is starting to go away. Do I have enough light for this guy or what?