Please ID this snail


New Member
Let me give you a little background. I do not have cerith snails so I doubt thats what these are. I do not believe they are pyramid either since they are never on my snails or oyster. I bought 8 nassarius snails 6 months ago and I'm hoping these are their babies. Tank has be up and running for 3 years and only noticed them after I introduced the nass. Pictured are the adult and possible baby nass



Active Member
Originally Posted by jillbuus
Let me give you a little background. I do not have cerith snails so I doubt thats what these are. I do not believe they are pyramid either since they are never on my snails or oyster. I bought 8 nassarius snails 6 months ago and I'm hoping these are their babies. Tank has be up and running for 3 years and only noticed them after I introduced the nass. Pictured are the adult and possible baby nass
Definitely look like Nassarius snails.
Well ... at least the first one does.


Active Member
Hard to tell on the right. Nassarius snails have a big foot... and usually burrow in the substrate unless food is unleashed :D
The baby one could be a bit clearer to be sure as the shell looks a little more conical and pointy than I'm used to seeing. I'm not convinced it's a baby nas but very well could be... clearer picture would help.