Please ID whats on my glass?


i have a FOWLR 60 gall salt set up been up for 2 years atleast running well.
Recently I've noticed white spherical shape thingies ont he glass but they seem to be like a pyramid shape from the front view. ive decreased my lighting lately to a couple hours less to fight some algae growth? are these snails, worms? is it bad or good?


Active Member
do you have a pic? i was thinking mabe spirorbid worms until you said they have a pyramidal shape? A pic could get you a positive ID by someone im sure.


There are soo man now maybe about 15-20
I would say they do look more like the keyhole limpets?
I am having trouble posting pics can i send the pics to people email addresses to verify?
thanks for the help soo far... what should i expect form these snails?


im getting an explorer user prompt message when i click on insert Image, i dont remember putting an image on this site being this difficult. ahhhh i wanna post mypic

salty cheese

Active Member
To post a pic use the "Manage Attachments" below the "Submit" button needs to be smaller than 500x500 pixels.
Harmless algae feeders.


yeah thats the biggest one.. what about all the other little ones? so what am i facing?
Im gonna have a bunch of snails now :) did they come from one of my original snails?

salty cheese

Active Member
Originally Posted by roggy
so what am i facing?
Hopefully many years of a fun and rewarding hobby.
Ooops, forgot expensive. :scared:
Most likely came as hitchhickers, their numbers will ebb and flow.


The other ones, besides the limpet are called collonista snails. They are nocturnal, beneficial and will not get any bigger in size.