Please identify this... thing.


New Member
Anybody have an idea what this may be?

I'm inquiring on the red, stringy stuff towards the top of the picture, and also the white waxy-ish stuff around it.
Thanks to all!


Not quite sure what the big stuff is but the out of focus red stuff looks like canyo. Not so good stuff. what are you paramaters?? nitrates, phos. ect.


Active Member
Rhodophyta are always hard to get a good ID. on.
This could be one of the Galaxaura sp.


Active Member
LOL... we all saw something different. I'm looking at the white out of focus ball of white there... could be sponge.


Active Member
"I'm inquiring on the red, stringy stuff towards the top of the picture, and also the white waxy-ish stuff around it."
From this I took the OP to mean the macro algae.


New Member
Originally Posted by spanko
"I'm inquiring on the red, stringy stuff towards the top of the picture, and also the white waxy-ish stuff around it."
From this I took the OP to mean the macro algae.
Sorry, but I'm new to this forum and definately new to the lingo of algae and coral.
What's "OP"?
I don't have the tank criticals with me as I'm out of town for the weekend, but was curious enough about this to post.


Active Member
The OP in this case is you, the Original Poster. You were asking about the red algae strands weren't you?


New Member
Oh... That makes sense.
Yes, I was asking about the red algae-type stuff. I looked up pictures of Galaxaura, but that doesn't look like it. It almost looks like a plant and the branches look kind of like feathers.


I sure am glad people came in to the rescue, cauze Just dont know. That is why I am always asking questions.


Active Member
I'll get some pictures of what I have.... if the darn snails haven't eaten it all. It looks like a smaller version of feather Caulerpa... except it's red.... and smaller... and more rigid being a calc macro.


New Member
Originally Posted by abeandlulu
glad you are getting some replys
I am too! I have to admit that I'm really quite surprised by the number of people actively on this board at any given time.
Thanks all for your help!
I'll admit, though, I'm still not 100% sold on any of the guesses. I'm hitting google pics w all of the species types everyone is coming up with, but nothing seems to be a definite "Oh yeah, that's it!".
Any continuing guesses are greatly appreciated.
Thanks again!