please look at this real quick...


My yellow tang has been in quarantine for almost two weeks now and is now showing a very pronounced white stripe down the length of his body. What is this and should I be concerned. It has become more white for the last couple of days but is now Very white.


Active Member
It could be HLLD. Can you get a pic up? I would also post in the desease forum, they can help you better.


It's nothing - just a marking that yellow tangs have. If your water conditions are good and he is feeding well don't worry about it.


no i can't but it's a solid white line across his entire body. Almost looks like it's supposed to be there. I want to start to acclimitate him back into the display tank but don't want to introduce anything.


Active Member
I havent got to the disease and treatment board yet to see if you posted there, but make sure you post this there. Forgive me if you already did. From what I read it may be HLLE . I'm not very experienced at this one, but Beth and Terry B on the other board are. You will need to tell them if you QT'd because its a new fish or you saw other sypmtons and then added because of. Again forgive me if you have already posted there.