Please Mom, Please!!! Can I have a Long Nose Hawkfish?

Here's my setup:
29 gallon
Lots of LR
Sea Lettuce
Grape Caulperna
a few small corals
LM Blennie (my fav!)
Perc Clown
Green Chromis
3 Feather Dusters
3 VERY small hermits
1 male Fiddler Crab
10 Nassarius
1 Fighting Conch
4 Turbos
1 Moon snail
Now I'd like to add a Longnose Hawk. I have no shrimp and would love to have one.
What be your thoughts? A good add?


Active Member
Did you talk to your father yet???? :D j/k
Our first tank was a 29 gallon FOWLR and we had 4 medium fish and small clean up.
We never had any problems. Some may say different. Do they get very big? They are cool fish.