Hello..I need help with Id. I don't have a pic but will tell you what it looks like. And I did search the hitchhiker archives..no luck. Today I received my long awaited corals, orange zoos, and blue mushroom, both are mounted on small pieces of rock. Anyway When I was putting the little orange corals in the tank..some kind of crazy looking slug? came sliding out and down into my live rock..it happened so fast I didn't have time to atleast catch him and get a picture, and he blended in with the rock..didn't even see him. It was about 1" long, fat, kinda greenish brown, had antenas and looked like a snail that lost his shell, I'm thinking some kind of slug. Any one know what it is? Good or bad? I have been watching my tank and haven't seen him come out of the rock..yet. if he does i'll get a picture and repost..any comments will be appreciated. thanks