Please...need Id


Hello..I need help with Id. I don't have a pic but will tell you what it looks like. And I did search the hitchhiker luck. Today I received my long awaited corals, orange zoos, and blue mushroom, both are mounted on small pieces of rock. Anyway When I was putting the little orange corals in the tank..some kind of crazy looking slug? came sliding out and down into my live happened so fast I didn't have time to atleast catch him and get a picture, and he blended in with the rock..didn't even see him. It was about 1" long, fat, kinda greenish brown, had antenas and looked like a snail that lost his shell, I'm thinking some kind of slug. Any one know what it is? Good or bad? I have been watching my tank and haven't seen him come out of the rock..yet. if he does i'll get a picture and repost..any comments will be appreciated. thanks


Active Member
It could be anything but there are zoanthid eating nudibranchs. Keep an eye out for could also be a stomatella snail and you did'nt notice his tiny cap shell on his back. The latter is good, the first is not.


promisetbg...No shell and no Thomas, not like that. After I posted, I asked the guy who I bought them from what he thought it might be, he said he didn't know. He thinks though not dangerous cause his corals are doing great no die off or hasn't seen anything munching on we will see. I haven't seen him since. It was dark color and plump, a reg. slug that you see in the garden..without the spots. It blended in perfect with the rock, you couldn't see it until it moved. I will have to start looking closer when I add stuff, I don't want any unwanted pests. I do have a QT but thought it would not be wise to use it for corals since it's just a basic system. I do use it for fish and inverts. Luckily I have had only good hitch hikers, just a few feather dusters..I love those little guys. On a odd note after he went down in the hole my red brittle star (which has hung out on a specific rock for the last month or so) moved to where that thing went a few hours later...I never see my brittle in the day time. Think he was after that thing? Any way thanks and I'll keep an eye out for him see if I can get a pic.


Originally Posted by promisetbg
It could be anything but there are zoanthid eating nudibranchs. Keep an eye out for could also be a stomatella snail and you did'nt notice his tiny cap shell on his back. The latter is good, the first is not.
Well I found him today...and got him out with tweezers, my apologies he is a stomatella snail, I didn't notice the blended right in with the rest of his body. I was careful not to hurt him and put him in a container. He will be going back in the tank! What through me off is a piece of something growing off his shell, it looked like some appendege. Thanks guys. I tried to get a pic so I could show you what was on his back but my camera is out of order. Waiting on my new Kodak Z740 5mp!