Please post a pic of oscelleris clown with LTA


Can someone post a pic of 1-2 oscelleris clowns being hosted by a LTA. I need it so I can tape it to the side of my tank to to help my clowns get the idea.LOL
A close up would be best, but beggers can't be choosers. I'll take anything.


Thomas says it does. I'll let you know in a couple days if it has worked or not. I just found a old pic by searching the forums. I guess I should have tried that b4 I posted this. lol.


Originally Posted by Ray28576
Thomas says it does. I'll let you know in a couple days if it has worked or not. I just found a old pic by searching the forums. I guess I should have tried that b4 I posted this. lol.

can u post this pic i guess i'd give it a shot as well


i found a pic in a magazine i had. it's up there i very highly doubt they'll do anything with it... i hope they do though..