please read pairing clowns


hi i am goin to be getting a big b/w occelaris clown this week and was planning on leaving it in my tank for a few weeks and then getting a really small b/w occelaris clowns. will they pair up? how do you get clown fish to pair up? what is the difference between a b/w occelaris and a regular occelaris? can a regular one and a b/w one breed 2 together. i wasnt planning on getting a mated pair but will if i have 2 are there any sites where i can get some good deals? one more question what are some low lighting corals that look like nems because i dont have money right now to buy a sufficient light for a nem. how big of a difference will it make whether they breed or not with out a nem.
thanks for the help


Active Member
ky, i understand you really want this to work out, but, youve started multiple threads on this very same subject lol if you check your other threads, you'll find your answers, and if you research threads using the search tool, you'll find even more answers