please reccomend a reef safe dwarf angel.


Active Member
i have a 90 gallon reef that has been set up for about 10 months and have sps lps and softies. which angel is reef safe is any?? what would they usualy go after??? thanks so much Connor


Active Member
I have a pygmy that doesn't bother any or my corals, and a flame that sometimes nips at my bubble coral.


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I have a Coral Beauty Angel and all it picks at is algae. Completely ignores my corals. I have softies and LPS.


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its a gample to keep a dwarf angel in a reef tank, sometimes they will pick on corals and sometimes they dont. Ur just going to take that chance :thinking:


Active Member
I have a coral beauty and I have only seen it picking at the glass and rock. But I only have mushrooms and xenia too.
Coral Beauty gets my vote.....


Staff member
Originally Posted by connor
i have a 90 gallon reef that has been set up for about 10 months and have sps lps and softies. which angel is reef safe is any?? what would they usualy go after??? thanks so much Connor

None are reef safe. Believe me, no one wishes more so than I that there was, at least, one.


Active Member
I have had my Flame and CB together now nearly 5 years in my reef with many different softies and LPS and amemones and crustations and the only issue with either is the Flame swims by the Kenya Tree and takes a pick at it and swims on And it sometimes will steal food from the LTA. Never any damage and the coral does not even react to it anymore.
I have more problems with the Tangs bothering my corals than the Angels.
But one never knows for sure with any critter. One day they could go wacko I quess.


Originally Posted by Beth
None are reef safe. Believe me, no one wishes more so than I that there was, at least, one.

How do you come to that conclusion?
I believe that it is wrong to say that none are reef safe.
Many people have had coral beauty angels in a reef long term without problems.
My vote is for the coral beauty. I have one and it picks at the algae on my rocks and glass.
I have mushrooms, frogspawn, zoos, and a brain and the angel has never touched them.
Beth, please do not take offense. I usually agree with you, but not on this one.
Just my opinion.


Shrimpdady, i totally agree with Beth on that one... I think that when she said there were no reef safe dwarfs, i think she was trying to say that dwarfs are never a sure thing, there could always be the possibility of them nipping at corals or even consuming them entirely. Although a fair amount of them do well in reefs, I'm sure they nip occasionally when your not watching...heck better watch out.. they might be gettin hungry


My Flame has never touch any of my corals (at least when I'm watching). I have frogspawn, torch, hammmer, zoos, brain, mushrooms. He did eat all the aptasia I got in on a piece of live rock. Worth his weight in gold right there! One of my favorite fish.


It's definitely a gamble. My Coral Beauty has been a model reef citizen. The guy who sold her to me had three in his 180g tank he was breaking down and of the 3 only this one didn't bother corals. The other two did.


had a Rusty and Heraldi, they were NOT reef safe. Rusty had a taste for xenia, while the Heraldi munched on the zoanthids


Active Member
Here's my opinion on the whole subject. Generally, dwarf angels that come from deeper water (flame, hotomatua, multicolor, boylei, etc) are going to be more reef safe in OUR aquariums, because most of the corals we keep, are from fairly shallow waters, so it wouldn't be in their natural diet to eat shallow water corals, though a FEW may eat them still. IMO, there isn't a single dwarf angel that isn't totally safe with clams (you take a gamble) because the slime coat on a clam is like chocolate to a woman. And THATS saying something!
Anyway, also, the tank raised dwarf angels (hard to come by, but they do exist) will not hardly ever touch coral, because it has NEVER been a part of their diet. In fact, a site that I know of that breeds them, has been breeding dwarf angels since 1999 and has never had a problem reported with their angels touching corals. JMO
~Adam :happyfish