Please Review My Fish List...


New Member
I am in the final stages of setting up my 225g reef tank. The tank will be primarily SPS but I would also like to have a good number of fish in the system as well, including triggers and tangs. Here is the list I put together...
Bicolor Anthias Pseudanthias Bicolor (1 male & 5 females)
*Blue/Green Chromis (5-7 fish)
*Sailfin Tang Zebrasoma Desjardinii
*Powder Blue Tang Acanthurus Leucosternon
Bluechin Trigger Xanthichthys Auromarginatus (mated pair)
Orangeshoulder Surgeonfish Acanthurus Olivaceus
*Radiant Wrasse Halichoeres Iridis
*Bicolor Blenny Ecsenius Bicolor
Midas Blenny Ecsenius midas
Lawnmower Blenny Salarias Fasciatus
*Magestic Angelfish Pomacanthus Navarchus
Neon Goby Elacatinus oceanops
*Falco Hawkfish Cirritichthys Falco
*Currently own

Choose One:

Copperbanded Butterfly Chelmon rostratus
Black and White Henichus Diphreutes
Order going into tank...(number of fish)
chromis (5-7)
neon goby (3)
anthias (6)
blennies (3)
wrasse (1)
hawkfish (1)
butterfly (1)
angelfish (1)
triggers (2)
tangs will go in last (3) Total of 23-25 fish.
Any issues with three different Blenny species together?
Any of these fish to be known 'nippers'...besides the Majestic Angel. I currently have the Angel in my 120 with corals. So far okay.
Too many fish for a 225g?
Thanks for your comments.


Active Member
its a good list except for a few things, youll probley only end up with 1 or 2 chromis b/c hats what usually happens, if you want any shrimp forget about the hawkfish, and for the butterfly id do the copperband


the blennies might fight but in a large tank it might be okay. If your getting neon gobies get them in pairs, they do better. And watch the butterfly i know some tend to be coral nippers but good luck and i hope to see pics when your done


Not sure about all the fish I haven't been doing this to long, But I would love to see some pics when you get done sounds great...


New Member
Thanks all for your comments...
I figured I might not have much luck with getting ornamental shrimp with the hawkfish and the triggers so that is why I am interested in the yellow and blue stripped neon gobies. BTW, interestingly I currently have the Falco hawkfish in my 120g with a blood red shrimp, which I have had for a couple of years. Who knows...
Thanks for the tip on the pairs of neon gobies. I noticed that SW sells them in pairs and they are on sale now. I hope to get them this week. I was planning on putting the gobies in the tank fairly earlier. Is there any issues with them not having the tangs or the triggers in the tank right it relates to cleaning the fish. I would not want to stress out the cleaning fish because there are no fish to clean :hilarious Seriously, though.
I hate to reference another website's forum but I have been working on this system for many months and I have been recently started to posting my progress on --'s site. If you would like to check out the progress...with pictures.
Here is the link.
Thanks again for your input. Keep it coming...


New Member
I heard that Lawnmower blennies require a more mature tank to do well. They need to be able to graze for algae like the tangs. Is that true?
Any other comments on the fish list?


New Member
I have kept a lawnmower blenny in my 75 for a few years now and it has been fine. As long as you have algae you are fine. Mine only eats algae in the tank and algae sheets I put in for him and the tangs. But the blennies will probably fight but who knows maybe in a tank like that they won't constantly see each other so it won't be a problem. The chromis will be fine as a school and I would reconsider the orangeshoulder tang seeing as you already have a powder blue which is an Acanthurus species and two will probably fight. I would go with something other than an Acanthurus or Zebrasoma. Maybe a Naso member, blue hippo, or a Ctenochaetus member. If I were you I would worry about adding a Black and White Henichus Diphreutes and would go with the copperband instead. Everything else sounds good.


New Member
Thank you for your detailed explaination. So, would you consider the lawnmower blenny to be hardy? The algae sheets are my best option for grazer feeding, since right now I don't have a lot of least until the tank gets mature. I really like the look of the midas blenny too. The tank has lots of LR for hiding so I hope that they will all get along...but not at the expensive of never seeing them. :thinking:
Yeah, I thought about the Orange shoulder and the PBT coming from the same species family. But the PBT, which I believe to be the more aggressive, is only about 2" long right now. So, my hope is that they will grow up together in harmony. Am I being too optomistic?
Yes, I think the Copperbanded Butterfly is a better choice too...after more research and input from others.
Thanks so much.


I dont know much about the Copperbanded B'fly, but I had a Black and White Henichus in my Reef tank and He had a field day nipping at my corals.


to me it sounds like you want too many fish for that tank, but that may just be me. i would pick the black and white heniochus over the copperbanded butterfly only because of survival rate of the copperbanded isn't that great.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Bemmer
I am in the final stages of setting up my 225g reef tank. The tank will be primarily SPS but I would also like to have a good number of fish in the system as well, including triggers and tangs. Here is the list I put together...
Bicolor Anthias Pseudanthias Bicolor (1 male & 5 females)
*Blue/Green Chromis (5-7 fish)
*Sailfin Tang Zebrasoma Desjardinii
*Powder Blue Tang Acanthurus Leucosternon
Bluechin Trigger Xanthichthys Auromarginatus (mated pair)
Orangeshoulder Surgeonfish Acanthurus Olivaceus
*Radiant Wrasse Halichoeres Iridis
*Bicolor Blenny Ecsenius Bicolor
Midas Blenny Ecsenius midas
Lawnmower Blenny Salarias Fasciatus
*Magestic Angelfish Pomacanthus Navarchus
Neon Goby Elacatinus oceanops
*Falco Hawkfish Cirritichthys Falco
*Currently own

Choose One:

Copperbanded Butterfly Chelmon rostratus
Black and White Henichus Diphreutes
Order going into tank...(number of fish)
chromis (5-7)
neon goby (3)
anthias (6)
blennies (3)
wrasse (1)
hawkfish (1)
butterfly (1)
angelfish (1)
triggers (2)
tangs will go in last (3) Total of 23-25 fish.
Any issues with three different Blenny species together?
Any of these fish to be known 'nippers'...besides the Majestic Angel. I currently have the Angel in my 120 with corals. So far okay.
Too many fish for a 225g?
Thanks for your comments.
Your os tang and you pb tang will probably fight,(they are both Acanthurus)
to be on the safe side i'd go with just 1 blenny. As for butterflies go with the copperband. Other than that sounds nice...