Please take note:

nm reef

Active Member
Lately there have been a large number of threads in this forum that turn into what is basically a chat room for some of you to play in. I just wanted to bring up that due to problems associated with this type of activity it is a very real possibility that this entire forum the "aquarium" a forum to post off topic discussions may end up being lost. At one time we had no forum of this nature and now due to the activity of a few we may loose it ... I'd hate to see that happen. topic subjects are one thing but threads devoted entirely to idle chatter are really getting out of hand and may result in the loss of this forum. I know some of you will take this the wrong way....but numerous members will agree...some of this nonsense has seriously gotten out of hand. the owners of this site did not intend to allow personal chat rooms to be created at their expense and I fear that the activity recently will convince the owners of this site to remove this forum if steps are not taken to limit the trivial nonsense.

nm reef

Active Member
I'd also like to point out that each of the "personal chat room" type threads that have recently been closed have had numerous responses from members that have caused serious issues in the past and continue to return time and time again just to cause problems. The "chat room" threads serve to encourage them despite all attempts to limit the problems they continue to cause. I seldom rant like this but please....the problem members need to get a serious grip and the nonsense needs to stop. Most of you do not remember when this forum did not even exist...and I for one would hate to see it closed down and the site returned to how it was before. As for the problem members.....what the heck is up with foul language and blantant violation of site policy. I reasonable....abide by the rules and be decent and there are no problems...but intentionally violate the policy established here and you'll be removed. Its that simple. Why return time after time only to start trouble and get booted again....and again....and again.
I'm rally sorry for the rant but this stuff has seriously gotten out of control. This is a hobby related site maintained at the owners expense for those of us that enjoy the hobby and enjoy discussing things in a civil manner amoung ourselves. If you don't like the site and if you can't follow the simple rules and policy established then leave and go someplace where your juvinile nonsense may be appreciated.
Members....those of you that like the site...its forums....and agree that the crap needs to stop....please stand up and support me in this issue.
believe me I've had just about enough to convince me to just stay the heck away. I can find enough idiots in real life without the added headache of dealing with them here.


i agree 100 percent with you
and just a ?... i havent been on for a LITTLE while but do u know why the "what came first" therad was closed... i started it with good intentions...and i understand there were some pretty heated discussions but nothing too bad.. with that said i did not read every single word.... so im jw?


Active Member
Originally Posted by NM reef
Members....those of you that like the site...its forums....and agree that the crap needs to stop....please stand up and support me in this issue.


Active Member
You can assume that threads were closed either because of chatting or because of the participation of members who intend simply to cause trouble and who are not welcome. The thread may need some editting and may be reopened, but not at this time.
I agree with NM 100%. I would prefer not to see this forum go but if it takes so much time to moderate that we can't help on the rest of the boards than, IMO, it must.
So to help out, PLEASE do not hesitate to report threads or **posters** that you feel are not contributing productively to the board. This includes if you recognize previously banned members. Please do not "mourn" them. They brought it on themselves, and frankly some of the people I see "mourned" - I mean, do you really know what they did to get banned? Some of the most disgusting things!! I wouldn't associate with them in any way.
Might be good advice to follow, BTW.


Originally Posted by ophiura
You can assume that threads were closed either because of chatting or because of the participation of members who intend simply to cause trouble and who are not welcome. The thread may need some editting and may be reopened, but not at this time.
thanks... it just frustrates me to see these threads with good topics be escalated to such a high level for no reason


Active Member
As being one of "the offenders" (and yes I do know I have done the chatting so I don't have a problem admitting it) there seems to be a confusion on that when the people who are supposed to be "monitoring" the site joins in. Do you see my confusion? If you are going to have rules and regulations then it needs to be all who are following not only a few here or there.
I agree that last night was seriously off the hook and there were things said by some folks that should have NEVER been said but these are coming from people "that have already be banned" (of course there are just some folks out there who will join just to (cause comotion, doesn't matter if they never heard of this site at all!)
Unfortunately there may have to be a closure to the message board forum because in this day and age this is how a lot of people "chat". They go to forums like this where there are "like" people and due to that friendships are formed.
Yes some of us have AIM, IM and all those other ones and we do utilize them but to tell you honestly it's been nice to come here and exchange dumb things that have happened during the day as well as laugh about "What is your Strangest Eating Habit??"
Just my little two cents.
There are a ton of folks on here that have my upmost respect and I have enjoyed talking with them.

nm reef

Active Member
I truely appreciate the responses so far...and please understand it is not my intention to "blame" anybody specifically. I actually spoke out of simple frustration....and was thinking that maybe starting a discussion about the problems would benefit all of us. One of you that respond above was guilty of some extremely foul/offensive/fulgar langauge recently and my thinking is you should not be allowed on this site because of it. In addition if "chat" type threads are allowed to continue folks like you will continue to participate....see my point. As a moderator I find it very difficult to overlook things that were said no matter why they were said. I will not point fingers and make this a finger pointing know who you are. just consider my point....after trash like that why should we allow you to participate and why should we allow threads you enjoy to continue to attract you.

...and again....I'm glad there were relatively sane responses to my rant......I actually wanted to hear from the members that participate in this threads to provide input and thanks for putting up with me and thanks for responding in a rational manner.


Originally Posted by NM reef
...and again....I'm glad there were relatively sane responses to my rant......I actually wanted to hear from the members that participate in this threads to provide input and thanks for putting up with me and thanks for responding in a rational manner.

it makes me mad when i start a thread (i.e. "what came first") that stupid people take it over with foul language and totally off topic junk and get it locked... not pointing any fingers....


Active Member
One of the things I don't think people realize is how many people post under multiple names, and are like Jeckel and Hyde on these boards :scared:
I think there may be threads that start off with a topic in mind, but then go off into chatting. The "Its saturday" thread which started off on what people might do...turned into a game of when it would be closed...and who was sick...or who was doing what...and lasted days and days and days with "IM" me and such thrown in. It was a chat, and on this board, unfortunately those chats can get out of hand and contain things that we don't feel are appropriate. We don't want to be totally heavy handed...and hope people can keep things under control on their own. But there is a point where it is like, nope, gotta stop.
We don't want to shut down this forum BUT people have to basically moderate themselves. It IS a forum to come and make friends and know what people do outside this hobby. But there is a line that can be crossed when it becomes and almost exclusive conversation between a few people, and not simply an off topic discussion.

nm reef

Active Member
I'd like to ask a couple of questions:
First...What do you as members consider appropiate type topics in this forum? Define a off topic thread...and define how threads that eventually become nothing more than personal chats between a few members should be dealt with.
Second...discuss/define for me what course of action you would like to see taken for those few members that become foul/abussive....those members that choke legitimate threads with feeble nonsense that produces complaints from others...explain what appropiate action for activity like that should be.
I for one feel that ANY member that uses some of the foul language we've seen recently should NEVER be allowed to post here again.....PERIOD

I also feel that there is a need for OFF TPOIC threads.....a place to discuss topics not directly related to the hobby....BUT....I do not think this is the place for personal chats that simply ramble on for days and days.


Why would it matter if a thread in a off topic forum goes off topic? Thats what the forums for off topic. I can understand if profanity is being used then delete it, but if it goes off topic who cares.


Originally Posted by NM reef
I for one feel that ANY member that uses some of the foul language we've seen recently should NEVER be allowed to post here again.....PERIOD


i thinks that a litte harsh... maybe like delete therir post a warning and if they continue.. then give them the booot


I do agree with you NM if someone uses profanity or is just vulger they should be banned if thats possible to do. I do not think a thread in a off topic forum should be shut down just because people are chatting about off topic events. Does it cost the owner extra money for this forum?


i personally think there should be a way to monitor people so they cannot get a new usr name... i don't know how, but that would seriously keep some of these people that come back several times off for good.
i am also one of these offenders, but sometimes i can't help it. I know i can get a little chatty, and i guess maybe we should resort to emailing eachother, or something along those lines. I also feel that there should be specific rules and regulations to help us stay in line. There is a difference in going off topic and turning a thread into a chat room... those threads that are 9 pages long of nothing but 'is anyone here, how are you today, what'd you eat for dinner' are ridiculous and should be shut down.


Active Member
NM, I will not deny that I participated fully in the threads in question as the chatting threads and understand your point but I would like to bring up a few questions to you as well. There are numerous members here that flood worthwhile posts with drivel and spam and post just as many posts as what was contained in these chatting threads. Because these numerous posts are spread out across the board and contained in many threads, these go on. NOw I am not saying that we were right to have these chat threads but my question is, isn't it better if this chatting is contained in one spot and not spread out across the board taking up just as much space and taking worthwhile threads off topic? Also, we attempted to obtain each others IM names to take this off the board as this is our common link and the only way to get them, but that thread was deleted so we weren't able to do that. I know it is also frowned upon to exchange email addys so it would be nice if we could've been allowed to transfer this information to take this off the board. Also if we get to know each other, I think we are more apt to help each other out as well as the other members of this board in the hobby. I completely understand your point, like i said, and will take it into advisement and will try to refrain from this behavior in the future. I hope you will also consider what I had to say as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by treybom
it makes me mad when i start a thread (i.e. "what came first") that stupid people take it over with foul language and totally off topic junk and get it locked... not pointing any fingers....

I totally understand that because it is an interesting kind of thread and we've had them before, and in general we can keep even heated threads going on this board quite a bit longer than on others.
But yes, the thread was taken over twice (by the same person under different names) using all sorts of "colorful" language and such.
Many take over other threads and post absolutely disgusting things randomly out of pure selfishness and spite...I am sorry your thread was one of these. :help:


Originally Posted by rberhow
NM, I will not deny that I participated fully in the threads in question as the chatting threads and understand your point but I would like to bring up a few questions to you as well. There are numerous members here that flood worthwhile posts with drivel and spam and post just as many posts as what was contained in these chatting threads. Because these numerous posts are spread out across the board and contained in many threads, these go on. NOw I am not saying that we were right to have these chat threads but my question is, isn't it better if this chatting is contained in one spot and not spread out across the board taking up just as much space and taking worthwhile threads off topic? Also, we attempted to obtain each others IM names to take this off the board as this is our common link and the only way to get them, but that thread was deleted so we weren't able to do that. I know it is also frowned upon to exchange email addys so it would be nice if we could've been allowed to transfer this information to take this off the board. Also if we get to know each other, I think we are more apt to help each other out as well as the other members of this board in the hobby. I completely understand your point, like i said, and will take it into advisement and will try to refrain from this behavior in the future. I hope you will also consider what I had to say as well.


Active Member
And I would add, NM REEF, that not only extremely vulgar and offensive language, but several currently posting (under different names) posted extremely vulgar pictures as well.
I can be swayed, personally, on some of the chatting stuff. But the language, some of the implications that come up can not be tolerated.
And then there are those who throw a temper tantrum, and post things most of you wouldn't want to see or read, let alone any children. I think if you knew what was posted, and have kids who might be surfing boards like these, you wouldn't be quite so concerned about the chatting issue. Go ahead, use your worst, I mean worse...that is what has been posted.
So we just need to make a firm stand and hope that we get total cooperation from our members