Pleasev Help Me!!!!


Hello, I am new to this so, what is mini pods? and I have a problem with my water also, my ph was right, my nitrate was at 40 ppm , my ammonia was right , and my nitrite was right. I was told to do a 20% water change did that. My nitrate stayed at 0 for about 3 days them went up to 20ppm,then my ph was off. Pet store told me to put in a ph buffer, did that now my ph is up to 8.0, nitrate is at 10ppm, and now my ammonia is at .25. Help
nitartes are at a 10ppm. I also noticed two little white spots on my tank that looks like little things growing.


you've got test kit or test person problems. IF the NO3 was at 40 and you did a 20% water change (and that water had 0 NO3), they were then at 32 NOT at 0


I set the tank up June 23rd. But I took out most ofmthe coral and rock and added mostly all new coral.Long story. I also changed one of my filters in my hang on tank. I actually just checked the ammonia again, its now at .50. Its a 110 I have 1 angel, 5 red legged crabs, 2 large snails, 3 small snails, 1 clown and 1 damsel


I had someone set my tank up for me. I took my water to a local pet store on yesterday and they testsed it. my nitrate was at 20ppm, nitrite was at 0, my ammonia was at 0, my ph was at 7.2. thats when they recommened ph buffer, when i got home tonight I tested it again,
nitrate- 10ppm
ammonia -.25


Active Member
If it's a new tank, and they set it up a month ago, and it's already full of corals.... fire the folks that set it up.
The tank is very new... corals should not be introduced into a new tank.
Your pH is WAY too low. If you have glass tops remove them immediately. How much water flow do you have? Well aerated water will raise the pH.