Plenum in 2.5


Active Member
I have a full on thread over in reefs as to the construction of my 2.5g but I was wondering if anyone over here had tried a plenum in their nano? (obviously a DSB wont work)


Active Member
OK well I guess I'm just gonna go ahead and do it and see how it works out. I'm still hoping for any feed back from people who have tried this but I dont think its a real popular method anymore. I'm also gonna set up a plenum in the sump for it if I can ever figure out how to plumb a mini overflow without drilling.
Any feedback on this would be appreciated folks. thanks


Active Member
Not too many people run plenums anymore, I rarely hear them mentioned so it's very possible people just don't know what it is. I had a 2.5 pico set up for a little over a year with a lot of rock packed in. I tried barebottom but it seemed dirtier that way and I could never keep the bottom clean. Then I just kept about an inch or less and that seemed to work better.