i just got a 210 gal tank today and the previous owner who kept a reef tank was telling me about this thing called a plenum. I have never heard of such a thing but what he tells me is this. At the bottom of your tank you take some egg crate or some sort of plastic sheeting that will allow water to flow through and attach pvc pipes to the bottom of the crate, the pvc pipe will allow the crate to stand or what he calls hover above the bottom glass, then you take a sheet of nylon screen used for screen doors and lay it on top of the raised egg crates, once you have layed two or three sheets of the screening down you then add a course sand to allow water to flow through the sand, through the screen, and down to the bottom of the tank. As far as he told me the reason for this is that there is a bacteria that likes dark areas that is way more benificial that what is in the live sand alone. Im not too sure if i even explained it well but i was wondering if anyone here has done this or has even heard of this. He gave me a couple of Saltwater mags to read up on them and they have a part 1 and 2 in two seperate mags. Just wondering if its worth all the trouble to set up.