pls help: damsel shooting at Yellow T


I just introduced a yellow tang in my 90 gal (after quarantine). My lone yellow tail blue damsel is attaking the YT.... the most amazing is that the YT stubborly stays close to the damsel's rock. He has plenty of other places to hide. The damsel nips at the YT witn increased frequency.
What to do?


Active Member
Damsels are aggresive little fish....I have never used them in my tanks. If they don't stop soon you'll have to seperate them...or loose one to stress. That just my humble 2 cents....


it is just because you just put him in they will settle down and you should never put fish in with the light on maybe you can also change the steup around aliitle


Active Member
That's a great idea! If you rearange the tank set up then everyone will have to reclaim their tank area.


Active Member
Damsels are only aggressive if not kept in correct numbers. Schooling fish should be kept in odd numbered groups of at least 3.


I read and heard that single specimen of blue yellow tail are OK. Tha's why it's alone with 5 chromis and a pair of clown. The new YT is OK now.