Plumbin help for 150 Gallon to 55 Gallon Refugium


Hey everyone! I would love somebody's help telling me how much flow would I need from a overflow to my refugium and then how much flow back into tank? I am setting up a 150 Gallon tank, I am going to put a 55 Gallon tank that I am going to make into a sump/refugium with an Aqua C Ev-120 skimmer in the sump. I was going to have 2 overflows, one on each side and would like one pump to pump water back into display tank. Please help me out!


Active Member
Have you bought the new 150 yet? If so what are the sizes of the overflows and bulkhead holes? Most people try to shoot for around 10X turnover rate......Your other flow should come from some type of CL system.....Either it be drilled, and something like the OceansMotions used, a manifold system properly built and ported as I'd like to call it.....i'm not referring to PVC with a bunch of holes drilled in it......I'm referring to PVC, but with "T" used to make the flow directional and adjustable, and can be hidden under rockwork and sand and just have the heads above the sandbed if desired, or you can add additional flow through Seios, WavySeas, SCWD, SeaSwirls, Tunze powerheads or other powerhead devices....
Give more information on your overflow sizes and hole sizes and what your planning to keep and there will be plenty of ideas to get your scratchin' your head!!!!!!!!!!!


I am picking up the tank this weekend. It already has a wet/dry filter so it has to have an overflow because it is not drilled. I want to make this into a beautiful reef tank keeping all kinds of corals. I just want to create the best turnover and ensure that I do not flood my house. So please help


Originally Posted by FitchGuy
I am picking up the tank this weekend. It already has a wet/dry filter so it has to have an overflow because it is not drilled. I want to make this into a beautiful reef tank keeping all kinds of corals. I just want to create the best turnover and ensure that I do not flood my house. So please help

strong 1500-1600gph pump