plumbing from overflow to sump help


I plan on making a sump/fuge out of a 10g tank. The tank wont be drilled. I have one of the flex hoses from a wetdry coming from my overflow. How should i dump that into the sump? I was planning on getting a pc of pvc and perhaps siliconing it into the corner of the 10g tank. Should it dump out above the water line or below? Im thinking below will be quieter. SHould i drill holes in the pvc or just let it all go out the bottom? any other ideas?


Active Member
I put mine below the water line almost all the way to the bottom of the tank. I just have it all dump out the bottom.
Keep the whole line in flex pvc or vinyl tubing. You can move it around that way to find the position that will create the least amount of noise for you. Then just leave it in that position or cable tie/ zip tie it there.
Most people have to shift their discharge tubing around to find a place where the water will flow more quietly. Many people find that the quietest position is to have the tubing spill water out just at or below the water level. Sometimes, letting the tubing go all the way down to the bottom creates head pressure/ air pockets and your overflow may start making loud sucking/ flushing sounds. You may get that sound anyway.....
Keep it flexible and see what works.
Good Luck