Plumbing Help Needed!


Hello -
I currently have a 25 gallon and am upgrading to a 55 gallon since I am moving and have to take apart the other one.
Anyway I have a 55 gallon megaflow with overflow, came with overflow accessory kit - bulkhead fittings, adjustable drainpipe, return pipe with dual flexible nozzle and straight barb fittings) and I have a eshopps reef sump - (came with 1” bulkhead intake, 3’ of 1” flex drain hose). I also have a mag drive pump.
What else do I need so I can set this up??


I know I need more then that ....
That wasnt really helpful lol.
I know I need to connect my pump to the bulkhead that is coming from the tank. What do I use for the return line and what parts do I need to attach it?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by SusiesTank
I know I need more then that ....
That wasnt really helpful lol.
I know I need to connect my pump to the bulkhead that is coming from the tank. What do I use for the return line and what parts do I need to attach it?
Some pics of what you have and somewhat of a discription of what you plans are would be very useful.You will be needing some valves,unions,spa-flexand or pvc pipe,probably some 90's.and Tee's as well.Pics would really ,really help .Your tank ,stand ,and the things you currently have. And we will have you up and running in no time.


Active Member
Pic would help but sounds like all you need is hose or pvc to tie everything together and maybe a couple of valves.


Here are some pics - some pics of what I need and what size would be good please - going to home depot and seeing about 50,000 different elbows was daunting haha.
Some things are threaded, not threaded, who knows!

That is the tank overall - the overflow is in the back left corner.

That is the two parts in the overflow the bulk head sizes are 1inch for the drain and 3/4 for the return,

That is the return pump the size of the outlet is 1/2

That is the sump , the bulk head is 1inch
The sump is basically under where the overflow holes are, but im sure i will need an elbow or 2 to get it to there.
Please help :)
Putting the house together is bad enough - we want to get this up because we want the tank to stay at the old house as least as possible.


Active Member
I can't see from the pic whether the bulkheads are threaded on the ends or not looks like they may have hose barbs but not sure. I would just use a section of hose to connect the drain to the sump if the bulkheads do not have hose barbs you will need to buy an adaptor to go from the threads on each of the bulkheads to 1" ID hose barbs be sure to get a couple of plastic or stainless steel hose clamps to secure the connections.
For the return pump I would use 3/4" ID hose to make your connections so you will need a 1/2" Female NPT to 3/4" ID hose barb adaptor for the pump and then another 3/4" ID hose barb adaptor to fit the threads on the return bulkhead. Be sure to use a plastic hose clamp for the pump connection or a zip-tie will work too.
For the hose I would use spa-flex hose or clear vinyl hose and most hardware stores at least in my area carry both. Spa-flex is probably the better one to use but the vinyl works well for me.


Originally Posted by natclanwy
I can't see from the pic whether the bulkheads are threaded on the ends or not looks like they may have hose barbs but not sure. I would just use a section of hose to connect the drain to the sump if the bulkheads do not have hose barbs you will need to buy an adaptor to go from the threads on each of the bulkheads to 1" ID hose barbs be sure to get a couple of plastic or stainless steel hose clamps to secure the connections.
For the return pump I would use 3/4" ID hose to make your connections so you will need a 1/2" Female NPT to 3/4" ID hose barb adaptor for the pump and then another 3/4" ID hose barb adaptor to fit the threads on the return bulkhead. Be sure to use a plastic hose clamp for the pump connection or a zip-tie will work too.
For the hose I would use spa-flex hose or clear vinyl hose and most hardware stores at least in my area carry both. Spa-flex is probably the better one to use but the vinyl works well for me.
The bulkheads are threaded. What are hose barbs?


Another ? If I had to stop the water going in and out of the sump (lets say for some maintanence or something) how would I??

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by SusiesTank
Another ? If I had to stop the water going in and out of the sump (lets say for some maintanence or something) how would I??
I cant tell either from the photo what kind of connection you have on your bulkhead.As far as stopping flow for maintenance you are going to have to install a in line valve to shut down water flow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SusiesTank
The bulkheads are threaded. What are hose barbs?
Are the bulk heads threaded all the way to the end? Looking closer at the picture I am almost sure they have hose barbs. Hose barbs are fittings that you can slip hose over and they will have rings around the circumference usually beveled away from the end so the hose slips on easily but has resistance if you try to pull it off here is a pic of a 1" female pipe to 1" hose barb.


Originally Posted by natclanwy
Are the bulk heads threaded all the way to the end? Looking closer at the picture I am almost sure they have hose barbs. Hose barbs are fittings that you can slip hose over and they will have rings around the circumference usually beveled away from the end so the hose slips on easily but has resistance if you try to pull it off here is a pic of a 1" female pipe to 1" hose barb.

They do have barbs on the drain pipe bulkhead and the return pipe bulkhead but not the bulkhead that is on the sump. So where do I add the valve in the setup and what do I connect it with.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
I think you have a slip bulkhead fitting.Put the 1" flex up to the end of the bulkhead and see if it is the same outside diameter.If it is you going to have to add a pvc coupling and the start your plumbing from there.