Plumbing Help


I am working out my plumbing right now; and need to find a few things if you could help

I have a 40 gallon corner tank, so my overflow is going in the corner of course
How do I set up the plumbing for this without drilling? I would love to have my tank drilled, but i can't find anywhere local that can do it... (If there is anyone in the DC area who is really good at this, send me a message eh?
Here is a quick down-and-dirty of what i am looking at:

My issue is where the Question marks are; what exactly do I do for the set up in this area?
Next, I will be using a single drain line, with my pump going to a SCWD and dual returns into the tank. I want to end up with about 400 gph flow through the sump; even a bit less is fine; though not too much... How do I determine what size pipe to use for the drain/return/etc? Is there something that tells you the flow rates through different size pipes?
I'll be adding three powerheads in the tank to make up the needed difference in flow; 2 large ones and one small blowing behind the rock work to keep it moving. Between the Squid switching and the 3 PHs on a wavemaker; I think I should end up with pretty good flow; and in the neighborhood of 30x turnover at this point (need to figure what exact pump I am using still)
thanks all!


Active Member
Look at the mag drive pumps. They have a good reputation on this forum. The flow of the pump will be is affected by gravity "HEAD". Below is their flow chart for their smaller model pumps.**************.com/images/DannerMD5-12.GIF


Active Member
The flow rate in the chart is for the appropriat size tubing that is recommended for the pump. My MD7 calls for 0.5"


Excellent pump info thanks! I am thinking the MD7 is likely my choice as well. Would I need to increase to the 9.5 to compensate for the SCWD and dual return lines?
are they in sump or external?
thanks for the info!


SCWD is a water flow switching device;
just google SCWD and you can see what it does

After looking into them more though, the inlets and outputs of it are 1/2 inch, so I think I'll stick with a MD7 for ease of connections. Can anyone help out with what the flow would be at that point, with a 5 foot head on each output?


Active Member
SCWD Gotcha...
If you are worried about the 0.5" you can always get threaded pvc fittings to reduce or increase the diameter to fit what ever you need. Not that big of an issue.


Active Member
use the SCWD for a CLS system, and not on your sump return. stick with the right size pump and single return line from your pump. strange your tank has an overflow column and not drilled.


it doesn't have an overflow column, I was planning on putting one in... Is there a better way to do it? (assuming I can't find anyone to drill it
The SCWD won't work with the return line? is there a reason why not? I only ask as the tank is just to small to try and get a CLS into as well; not enough space behind or around it. I figured the Squid would be a good compromise for varying flow and still keep space needed to a minimum...?


Active Member
it could work, possibly, im not sure tho b/c i dont have one.
but if i were you i wouldnt try it. i have seen people put CLS on 25g tanks no problem. but you have to drill


If you don't want to drill get a hang on back overflow such as a lifereef. Also you should plumb your drains with 1 inch at least. 1 inch will drain up to about 600 gph. Much less risk to a clogged drain and would allow you to up the flow a bit if you want some more flow. Size your return to the pump.


On the contrary I would love to have my tank drilled; I am just not too comfortable doing it myself (not to mention I can't afford the drill bit )
And Saltn00b; my apologies. I can easily fit a CLS on my tank; what I meant was the overall area I have to work with minimizes what I can place around the outside of it. I have to custom order a sump just to be able to fit one in the cabinet due to the strange dimensions
So if I have 600 gph flowing through my sump/fuge; that is 15 times my main tank in turnover. I realize I need more than that for total
turnover; but isn't that too high for a sump/refugium?
Just trying to figure all this out; thanks for you help all!


I didn't mean to say you have to put 600 gph through your sump. I just meant you should plumb with 1" -more as a just in case measure. The amount of flow you put through your sump is totally dependent on how much your sump can handle and how that fits into your overall design.


OK, but I am confused now sorry :notsure:
If I have a 600gph drain running into the sump; then aren't I supposed to match that with the return pump?
How would I use the larger lines and keep lower flow still?
thanks again, sorry for all the questions!


Active Member
if you throttle back your return pump, you have water filling up your tank slower, and in response water draining back down into the sump slower.