Plumbing opinion


New Member
Sorry to do this on post one, but I have been a lurker for over a year, so i am not past doing multiple searches on this subject.
I have a 80 gallon tank and I am ready to make the move to a reef tank. I need to upgrade my light from 3 VHOs to MH & VHOs. I want to make sure I have the right plumbing setup as I have never seen one like it here.
Two questions:
1.Do I need a small pump for my skimmer and get it off the T feed to return water from Sump
2. Has anyone seen a return like mine that runs the full length of the back tank with holes drilled in PVC to return over whole tank
Looks like DB is still an issue for attachments so I will try this serivice below.
Many many thanks from a long time reader and soon to be multiple poster.