Plumbing Question


I've got a new 150 gallon tank up and going. It has about 30 gallons worth of sump and refugium. Hubby and I got to talking and we would really like to plumb this tank into the basement so that we can have a much bigger sump and refugium, an automatic top-off, and a frag tank going down there too. We will also be able to make an algae scrubber for it and increase the overall water volume by a huge amount (probably more than double with the frag tank on it ). All stuff that is not really feasible sitting in our living room.....
Another plus is that if the power goes out or anything else goes wrong the basement gets the water and not the upstairs......
So if the tank is 150 gallons, and the distance to the top of the tank will be about 13 - 15 feet. What size pump do I need to be able to pump the water that distance and have proper turnover?? I know the 4900 I have now is not gonna cut it....


Active Member
i did that five years ago and would do it again in a second. Im not sure if squidd is still around but he helped me.. here is the thread. it sucks there are no pictures anymore because they prob would have been helpful... im not good with the math thing but will try to help you with anything i can.. read the thread and you might find some cool ideas.. i made a huge bench for the tank to sit on and made it extra big so i could do all the testing and fragging.. good luck


Active Member
Haven't seen Squidd in years........Those are the old days.....
The answer to the OP yes, it can be done easily, and I'd look at the Reeflo pumps as my main duty pump to push the water.....You might be able to manifold the main pump to feed different components as well on your system......