When using a "soft hose" return method, which tubing should I be considering? Is it regular clear vinyl tubing or a special material, i.e. spa tubing??????
I use the regular clear smooth walled vinyl tubing myself...
It Works great.
You can find it in the plumbing section of any home depot/lowes type store...
Try and find Stainless steel if you can. Most of the time, they are galvanized and will rust. Even though they still hold securely, they are a pain to loosen should you need to. The stainless variety are worth the added expense.
Even the stainless ones have a non stainless screw.So the screw will rust.Unless you can find a manufacturer that is ALL STAINLESS...These all stainless ones are what I use,and work great.
When looking for stainless hardware take a magnet along...Stainless steel is nonmagnetic..