
I just got a 55 gal from saltlakes and it came with the bio-ball filter, skimmer, and uv sterilizer. How do I put these all together. The tank has a built in overflow and I know that connects directly to the filter. I have to still buy a pump to connect at the end of the filter. Then i'm lost because i don't konw how to get the water into the uv andthe skimmer. HELP??


well put a pump in the sump of the wet dry to the tank this will be called your return line to the tank. then hook up a power head from the sump of the wet dry to the uv sterlizer and return the water to the sump of the wet dry and your in business.the overflow will come down from the tank to the top f the filter where the bio balls are then flow into the sump area!!


click on my link... I have pics of my wet dry... I have been too lazy to hook up my UV... its just sitting next to my return your wet/dry drilled for an extrernal pump or for internal pump (Rio)? what kind of skimmer do you have, does it have its own pump? your uv will require a seperate pump.. get a small pump, you want a slllooowwww flow through it so it will work right.. too much flow through your UV will make it useless... if your a visual person I can draw a diagram out and post here.. let me know if you still need help....