

New Member
Anyone have any articles with pictures on how to set up plumbing with a hang on overflow-->sump filter-->in filter protein skimmer (Euro-Reef)-->and a Mag 7 pump??? TIA. I am not sure where to install the pipe and valves


Man are you in luck. Do a search for DIY plumbing, or fuge, or refugium, or sump or anything that sounds like what you are looking for. There is so much info it will make your head spin. If you don't know what a stockman overflow is yet, you should probably save yourself the headache and do a search on that too.


Active Member
there are alot of different ways you can do this. You can use vinyl tubing or pvc with union disconnects (for easy maintenance) .
I am using the vinyl system because i did not know about the union disconnects :(
It works great so far though.


Ive got a lot of stuff as does some other ppl with talent for mechanics under sumps/refugiums look up that topic or try a user name if you hear of a person .


Active Member
Im going to try my best and explain it....its like a screw on seal for pvc. You can unscrew it and dissemble your whole set up. I know kip uses these, and has a few pics.