Plz Help If You Can.....


I know that this question has been ask many times. I have a 55 gallon tank. I recently bought a lionfish. I really like him but I think I made a mistake. I dont know if getting him is going to cause me not to do a reef tank and i really want one. I dont want a really exotic tank but I want to do some soft corals. Can someone plz tell me if there is any way bt to get rid of the lionfish. Also what is the best way to feed the lionfish. He hasnt ate in 2 days. whats the best food and such.


Active Member
u can have lionfish in with corals, but if you are getting smaller reef fish the lion will eat them all


New Member
I was reading that lion fish can live in reefs Im just learning about lion fish and want to do a reef setup I just need to think of which fish I want.


Active Member
I kept a small lion in my 55 reef then upgraded to a 120 reef he done very well until he was big enough to eat small fish.once my chromis's started vanishing the lion was moved to a more suitable tank he will not bother corals and such.but he will eat any fish that will fit into his mouth.they do grow very fast.