Plz this right?


I need some help ....again.....I tested my tank today and it tested the following: 80 degrees, SG 1.024, 0.0 ammonia, 4.0 nitrites, 2.0 nitrates, 8.6 PH.......isn't ammonia supposed to get high first then nitrites followed by nitrates......why would my nitrites be high? I have 16 lbs live rock, 29 gal wet/dry!


Active Member
everything seems high, starting with temperature. how long has the tank been up? is the rock from another tank, ocean, clean? no fish or anything i hope?


It's been setup for 8 days, live rock if Fiji cured, right from the lfs, also have pure aragonite sand, 15 lbs. Do you think my tank hasn't even started to cycle yet?


Active Member
oh definitely not. it's starting, mine (55g) took about 3 weeks. even then i waited another until all levels evened for a week. also, after looking at some of the other recent posts, i guess a lot of people are running higher temps. my tanks a cold 74. it's hard as heck to wait for a tank to cycle, i don't think i'll ever take mine down again. that way i can fast-cycle through water changes on new tanks. :D


Active Member
You either missed the ammonia spike or your test kit may be faulty. The nitrite reading is showing that the tank is cycleing.
By the way... 80 isn't a bad temperature. :D


Good! :) I just thought the nitrites would go down before the nitrates did, 2 days ago I had 80 nitrates, so I was surprised today when I saw 20.