Pod Friendly Fish 2


I dont know what happened there. The question I have is are there any reefpod safe fish out there? My tank lacks motion and I want to add a fish but I dont want to decimate my growing pod population. Any suggestions? Bright colors are always a plus. :D


what's up dude =)
i think a clown or even a small damsel might be a good choice. they are open swimmers and active. just get small ones if you can. also, what about a royal gramma? they are kinda shy though sometimes. nice color though.
glad the polyps are growing nicely. i say you should get some more live rock possibly. while you are upgrading the sand bed. then you could support more fish alot easier with biofiltration. even though your wet/dry should take care of it for now. you may want to downgrade the wet/dry though down the road? just my .02 =)


Would a clown and coral beauty get along? I was thinking about a clown, but I don't want to cause an a**whuppin in the tank if I can help it.
I would like to add more live rock, but I really have a space issue in the 55. It's taken me long enough to arrange the rock and be happy with it for more than a couple days, and I don't want to upset the system anymore, cuz knowing me I will rip the whole thing down if I add even one more peice :) But you saw the tank, do you think it needs more live rock?


well, it's enough imo. just something to think about. i think on the clownfish issue, as long as you stayed small, and away from the maroons or sebaes, you be okay. :p
that's true about the live rock, if it's uncured. maybe one day one of us will come up with some extra space and have somewhere to pre-cure it anyway. i've been wanting to try on online source for live rock if i could have somewhere to cure it myself. then i'll hook you up down the road with some cured rock ;)
i'd just get another coral. what about xenias? they are always in motion, and mine are starting to get high in the tank.
maybe you could return one of those shy timid ones and trade for something? just a thought. i don't like fish that hide either. i'm thinking of just getting a damsel for my tank. in case it gets eaten anyway <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" />
i like the 4 stripe damsels. the blue devil damsels are cool with actinics. i'd get a royal gramma though for color. they did have a tiny yellow tang at marks. was about 2 inches long front to tail. a sailfin is cool too. i don't know much else <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" />