

When I started my tank a year ago with live rock & sand, I used to see tons of critters creeping around in my tank. About 3 months ago, I started fighting a hair aglae problem & have taken out my rock & scubbed them several times. I also (coming from a fresh water background) vaccumed the sand during water changes at first until I learned better. So I'm pretty sure I'm pod-less. I have moonlights & I haven't seen any pods. Sooooo..... should I buy pods & add them to my tank? Introduce additional cured liverock? Scoop some sand out of a friend's tank? Or just chill out & do nothing?


i had to do the same to some of my rock...made me wonder if i should get another hobby honestly. but there were several things that helped me get a pod population back. first of all even tho u scrub the rock and rinse it trust me there still there. and yes even after the vaccuming too. may only be a handful but they are there. i even fresh water dipped my rock(back when i was still wet behind the ears) and they still they bounced back , just slowly. Ok first thing i did was i went to a couple of local lfs's, only 1 was kind enuff to give me a cupful of there refuge sand which was loaded with pods, second i went and custom made myself alittle refuge(above tank) to cultivate my pods, third i went to famos auction site and looked for critters, i got lucky and ended up buying chetomephroa algae that was buzzing with life, and now everything is bouncing back nicely