Pod Questions.


New Member
Is there a way to tell if you have enough pods in your tank to house a Manderin Dragonet? Besides saying if you have a lot if LR and an established tank for at least a year?
Will a Mandarin Dragonet eat Cocepods too or only Amphripods?
I have 85LBs of LR and at any given time if I stare at any given rock for about 20 minutes I can see at least one Amphripod run across it. In the mornings right when the lights come on I can see maybe about 10-15 Amphripods within a 20 min time frame.
I have thousands of Cocepods, most of them stay on the glass. There seems to be three different types of these pods. They are soooo tiny so its hard for me to describe, but the 1st kind seems to be star shaped with about 5 points from its center, they stay on the glass and I have the most of these kind. The 2nd type looks exactly like little sperm, but have sorter tails then sperm, and they swim in the water. The 3rd type look like sperm too but have two limbs sticking out near its head, perhaps antennas or legs, And I have caught these crawling on the glass.
Are those all Cocepods?


I used to see hundreds in my 55 with no refugium, I got a madarin and he ate nearly everything in a few months time then he paid the price for my folly and waisted away till death. I will not do this again until I have a refugium in which pods can reproduce and provide a source for the continuing survival of the mandarin. So in my experience mandarins can nearly wipe a tank out of pods and still starve. Some lucky few can teach there's to eat frozen brine shrimp even though they are not that nutritious compared to the pods


Active Member
pod piles are just a pile of coral/rock rubble the you put around your tank- a little extra protection for them to reproduce


One of the neat things you can do is to set up a pod pile with a cave and stuff a little filter floss in it give the floss a few drops of microvert food and they will multiply in the floss out of the way of preditors.


Active Member
try to get one thats already eatign frozen! they will still hunt all day, but will take to frozen if you work at it. the shop i work at trains all our mandarins/scooter blennies/dragonets to eat bloodworms and brineshrimp!
good luck