pods for mandrin


New Member
I have 125g w/125lbs of lr. My tank has been set-up for 18months. I waited to get my mandrin until my tank matured, but know I am reading that my mandrin will deplete my tank of pods in about three months. I don't have a refugium or a sump. What I do have is a hob filter and a hob protien skimmer. They both have compartments fpr fber fill. Can I grow pods there? I have also heard about pod piles. Can I use these 2 things to grow my pods?


Active Member
you can have as many pod breeding sites as you want. You could even try to use the soapdish teqnique to grow them
Pods just need a safe place to grow and breed. Provide it for them. the more pods the better. You can also seed your tank with pods that you can purchase.
Its a good idea to try and get a mandarin that is eating prepared foods too. Ask your LFS to feed the mandarins in front of you, the one that pecks at the live brine or mysis gets to go home!


Active Member
Its pretty easy to build a sump/fuge, even if your tank isn't drilled, i suggest doing that, much easier and cheaper then growing your own.


I had the same problem untill I made my own refuge. An old 2 1/2 gal. plastic betta tank I had in the shed and $5 worth of pvc did the trick.
I hardlined the protein skimmer up from the tank, made it empty into the betta tank, drilled the betta tank and made it empty into the tank. Some ls, lr rubble, calpurea, and I got pods for my mandarin!



Active Member
Originally Posted by RCBruce
I had the same problem untill I made my own refuge. An old 2 1/2 gal. plastic betta tank I had in the shed and $5 worth of pvc did the trick.
I hardlined the protein skimmer up from the tank, made it empty into the betta tank, drilled the betta tank and made it empty into the tank. Some ls, lr rubble, calpurea, and I got pods for my mandarin!
Amazing intuition! Great Idea


Active Member
Hi, I thought I wanted a mandarin at one time so I set up a 10 gallon tank just to breed pods. I found it not to rewarding because they are sooooo slow to grow and populate. You can feed them anything, mine ate fish food sinking pellets.....fun to watch them feed. I decided against the mandarin as most of the other fish in the tank eat pods too! Lesley