

I've got a 75g fowlr - current inhabitants = 1 perc, 1 midas blenny, 1 flame angel, 1 bluespot puffer.
I've searched all threads concerning pods, but haven't found an answer to my questions.
1. First of all, the only things that resemble pods that I can see are in my sump. They are definitely small white bugs crawling around, but how can you tell what type of pods they are? They are very small.
2. If these are in my sump, is it safe to assume they are in my tank? I can't spot them in the tank at night, but I may just not be seeing them. Again, they are small.
3. Which of my fish will eat them?
Thanks for the advice / answers.


Active Member
Your blenny probably would eat them. IDK, the rest. Probably not, considering it is not the habit of those fish to stay still. It takes good hunting skills to actually catch pods.
There is a hitchhiker identity thread (I don't know how to post a link) if you use the search and try "hitchhikers".
I have pods in my canister filter. I see them in the tank when I turn on the lights in the morning. They are in the LR and also they like the caulerpa beds, down by the roots if the lights are on, up in the leaves if lights are off.
They are very small. And they do swim, but on the LR its probably safer for them to do a combo of swimming/crawling to get hidden quickly.
Amphipods are larger, copepods are about the size of 2 typed periods..


Not always ONLY. Pods are tiny little things. What you see might be gammus shrimp. *shrugs* if they look like tiny shrimp they are.


My Oce Clown eats pods in my tank. I don't know why but he/she does. Only one of the two that I have eat them though.