
nm reef

Active Member
Very small shrimp looking critters that look like this...

or like this...

or even like this...


New Member
thanks NMreef for the pictures! I have asked before about these and got the reply that what I was refering to was copepods. However, looking at your pictures I have those too. I was afraid that those were the Mantis shrimp everyone talks about. So glad to see that those are the copepods, and therefore good to keep. Just wondering, do you have pictures of ampipods? I have these little white things on my glass that are round, white, and with at least 10 legs around them. Again, THANKS SO MUCH for posting pictures of copepods - I'm sure it helps a lot of us "newbies"!!!


NM Reef
I went in the How to post pics archive forum
I can not follow their tips
can you show me plz