

I have placed a post on the id of the little white things on my glass a little while back didnt get very many replies, but was told that they are probally pods? They look like little spermys. Well anyway whatever they are they are everywhere all over the surface of the water not so much on the front pane of glass but on the sides, on my overflow box, blowing around in the water. At first I thought it was something else on the surface of the water, couldnt tell becasue of water movemnet. So I turned off the power heads, etc, and they swim around on the surface the same as they do on the glass, so I am assuming that they are the same thing. Is this okay, what is going on I think my tank is winding down in its cycle if that has anything to do with it? I didnt get very many replies last time maybe better succes this time. Please somebody have a awnser
By the way I keep on losing posts whats the deal, they just vanish:confused:


Sure sounds like pods.If you can get a pic I'll tell you for sure. If they are pods,whatever you put in will have a feast.They are a GOOD thing.


as you can see in the pics there are many many many whatever they are, my wife wants to know if this is good for someday supporting a madrin, I told her that that is a fish for down the road, she is dying to have one it is a awsome looking fish. As long as they are okay that is fine with me. Does kind of suck when people ask me what is all that dust in your tank, its not dust!!!!:mad:


Active Member
I am eighty percent sure they are pods and twenty percent sure htey are white shrimp (they are really small, or at lesat a certain type, i forgot the real name) but neways, Mandarin's are definetely for down the road and would not recommend getting one. They are very picky eaters and those pods wouldn't last long with the mandarin. However, they are a good feast for many fish. But just remember, mandarin's are slow eaters and you can't really tell if they are eating or not. That is why some die in months and others in days. Just trust me and don't risk a mandarin yet, not for a LONG time...