Poll: Help me decide



I'm buying an hang on protein skimmer. Which one?
Berlin Turbo, CPR BacPac 2, AquaMedic, Other? About $2-300 range. Leaning toward Berlin.


hmmmm I'm going on the premise that "some protein skimming is better than no protein skimming" ???
My NitrAtes hover around 40. I've reduced feeding... I do religious water changes with r/o d/i water & instant ocean. I think the feeding is still my biggest problem. Got a 50 gal long, 100lbs LR, 3" LS
Having my tank drilled and a sump installed is on the long list. (skimmer, lighting, sump... or skimmer, sump lighting).
Whaddya think?


Wish you lived around here. LFS said overflow is guaranteed to well, overflow. I'm just not technical enough to build one full-proof.
Regards to "save the money"... I would, but it is like a gift certificate - not really cash to just go out and spend. Long story.
Oh, it's a folwr with some inverts (snails, hermits, shrimp, stars). Won't go for corals until I can upgrade the lighting and have a sump built. I think having this tank mature over a year and learning all about maintaining excellent water quality is my task for now. Still think the hang on is a waste? Even a Berlin?

pa reef pig

Berlin makes an excellent in sump skimmer if you decide to go with that. That is what I have. Its a Berlin Turbo. Works good.

david s

my vote is for the berlin turbo then when you get a sump just drop it in works great for both aplications I got a hob turbo in my sump

david s

I do agee with gol my turbo works very well for price but there are skimmers out there that blow it away but then again the price tag on some are considerably more too


*confused* what u're saying is wait until I can afford to have a sump built, either HOB or drilled. Meanwhile just keep up the water changes, less feeding, etc?
Anyone out there with a 50 gal, no sump, LS & LR having good luck with a HOB skimmer?
This is of course a temp. measure on my part. Having a sump with all the equip in it is a goal, that and lighting... so I can have corals. Just not even close to affording it yet.


Active Member

Originally posted by golfish
IME, a HOB skimmer has a better chance of overflowing then a HOB overflow. And then there's the problem of the HOB skimmers not being very good. All the skimmers on your list are low grade skimmers at best, even used in a sump their still low grade.

, sorry golfish, but i have to disagree with that one, BASED UPON NOT ONLY EXPERIENCE, BUT SENSE
yeah, but if it overflows, it is back into the tank, not into the sump and on to the floor
fora 50 gallon and the priced range you specified, if i were getting a hang on, and it would fit my tank, i would look into the remora pro
no offense golfish, just MY opinion(on the way i read it)


Remora Pro looks good @ fshhub. Get the mag pump and not the rio, right? Which site would you purchase it from? Are there any that you have tried and are satisfied with the service?
Golfish: I agree I need a sump and that hang on PS is not the answer to my tank's future. I have great plans for this wonderful (and beautiful) tank of mine. But I live on a VERY low income and will have to work hard to get the bucks for a good sump and lighting.
50 gal long, 100lbs LR, 3" LS - mostly nature's ocean(infused from LR and package from IPSF.com), Fluval 304 (no media, except occasional fresh carbon and cleaned 2x a week), Skilter (with ps turned OFF b/c it sucks) Filter changed 1x Week). Three powerheads, 2 Heaters. 10 gal H20 change each weekend with ro/di and instant ocean salt. B-Ionic and sometimes Kalkwasser (until I can get an automatic dispenser and digital PH meter, I'm not really going to use it much)
1 Yellow-Head Sleeper Goby (Sam)
2 Percula Clowns, False (Harry & Ron)
1 Royal Gramma (Hermie)
2 Scooter Blennies (Rocky and RJ - "rocky jr"
1 Cleaner Shrimp
3 Pepperment Shrimp
1 Serpent Star
1 Chocolate Chip Star
1 Queen Conch
Micro Hermits
A few other Hermits
A variety of snails & worms and what-not
If you got this far, whaddya think? Tank has been running for about 7 or 8 months now


Active Member
I agree with the remora pro. I personally have a CPR Bak Pakon my tank and it does an excellent job for its price. I've been told that the remoras are awesome, a little more than the CPRs though. The Bak Pak is really only good on tanks up to 55 gallons. I recommend the CPR, but if have the money get the remora.


Active Member
For a 50 a HOB skimmer will work perfect for you. Sure you can spend more money and get a better skimmer if you like but it is not needed and a waste of money if you ask me.
I have used a seaclone for over a year now and am very happy with its performance.


I would say go for the Kent Marine Natulas (spelling) that is what I have and out of all that I've had and seen I like it the best so far BUT in the end its what you like and want just my 2 cents and thats why i voted Other


I have a 55. It was first set up with no skimmer just a canister and lr/cc. Trites and trates were fine but i had a problem with hair algae. I put on a prism and it took out a lot of gunk but the hair algae didn't go away. When we moved i had the tank drilled and put in a sump. I scrubbed the rocks and kept them in a tank w/out light for a few days. My skimmer seems pointless at this point. It doesn't pull to much anymore and my water is perfect. The corals look better then ever. How about try to get it drilled and skip the skimmer. Put a few lbs of lr and ls in the sump/fuge and see how that work.. I know you said thats on the long list but give it more consideration. They you may not want the skimmer. Oh and my parents have a tank with a u-tube overflow and every time the power goes out it never starts back up and ends up emptying the sump, and depending the level of water in the sump...well you know.. all over the floor. Thats why i had mine drilled.


I like my bak pak 2. I put my heater inside. Has not had any problems except the an O ring finally busted but thats after 2+ years of use. Every couple of months I have to clean out the pump and of course clean the cup every few days. Been pretty good to me.


Active Member
golfish, the topic we are refering to means nothing about overflowing into a sump, i do not trust hangon overflows, b/c a loss of power, can cause a loss in prime, which can result in a problem on the floor, i do not trust them personally, but a drilled overflow or one built in, IMO is just the cats meow (so to speak), i do like overflow sumps, but as brought up by myself and others i only do not trust hang on type overflows
yes, go witht the mag pump, i also do not trust rios as well as hangon overflows
and sorry but i must decline to answer about where or who, you can check out here (swf.com does carry some equipment, but i am not sure about what)or run a search, but i wholly support swf.com and our sponsors, if they do not have it here even, i will not redirect others ot other sites(personally)


Active Member
I regret my protein skimmer purchases.
An ignorant person with a VISA card is likely to make poor decisions out of haste. Ignorant meaning not doing my homework prior to making purchases.
I bought a CPR BakPak hang on - decided to go with a sump several months later. Wrong decision.
CPR SR2 Venturi Driven Protein Skimmer
They should be ashamed of themselves for marketing this thing, and I am ashamed I bought it. Again a wrong decision.
You can easily set up a reliable sump system for less than $100.00 for a 55 gallon tank. It's really very easy to set up. Stash away $25.00 bucks a month for the components and get one.
Do this and continue doing your water changes for now.
Save up for a "good" quality in sump skimmer, and enjoy the beneifts of going SUMP !
I wish I had done this when I first set up my tank(s)
Hindsight is 20/20
Food for thought :)
Up to you though