Poll Winner List #2


Staff member
and here is the remainder of the list....
Lawnmower Blenny marka1620
Leather Devil's HandNick76
Leather Lobed zanclus
Leather Stubby Fingerpetjunkie
Leather Toadstool saltn00b
Leather Tree JasonMarc
Lemonpeel Angel reefkprz
Lettuce Nudibranchestein02
Long Tentacle anemoneturbo21
Longfin Sleeper Gobyturbo21
Longnose Bfly SWF
Longnose Hawkfish SWF
Lopezi Tang Limitedslip
Lunare Wrasse spiderfist
Lyretail Anthias - FNew180g
Lyretail Anthias - MSWF
Mandarin Dragonet Grnshrimpi
Mandarin Spotted Tizzo
Maroon happyhourh
Maxima Clam Gold dmjordan
Mexican Turbo SnailKynekke
Midas Blenny GeckoPSU
Millepora Pink zanclus
Mimic Tang SWF
Montipora CapricornIs greenteen
Mushroom Blue SWF
Mushroom Coral Blue StripeSWF
Mushroom Coral Green Frillysaltn00b
Mushroom Coral Orange RicordiaSWF
Mushroom Coral RedKAT74
Mushroom Fuzzy Grasszanclus
Mushroom Green HairyDeMartini
Mushroom Green RhodactisTiberius
Mushroom Polyp Green RecordiaSWF
Mushroom Ricordia YumaDeMartini
Mushroom Striped Gr MetallicNew180g
Mushroom UmbrellaSWF
Mystery Coral ifirefight
Mystery Wrasse SWF
Naso Tang joncat24
Nassarius Snail BBB
Neon Goby Tizzo
Niger Trigger ElitePhoto
ORA Green Fuzzy zanclus
Orange shoulder Tangstephenthefish
Orange Tree SpongePuffer32
Orange Tube AnemoneMX#28
Orbiculate Batfish Squishy
Pagoda Cup Yellow ifirefight
Pajama Cardinal GeckoPSU
Panther grouper KAT74
Pearlscale Bfly mx#28
Peppermint Shrimp Shrimpi
Percula Clow - Falsemarka1620
Pincushion Urchin SWF
Pink Square Anthias Fsaltn00b
Pink Square Anthias Mmx#28
Pink Tip Haitian REEFER545
Pipe Organ GRabbitt
Pipefish Reef nYgel
Pistol Shrimp - BullseyeSWF
Pistol Shrimp - CaribSWF
Plate Coral Green KAT74
Plate Coral Orange DeMartini
Porcelain Crab nYgel
Porcupine Puffer dina12
Potter's Angel slammy16
Powder Blue Tang New180g
Powder Brown Tangzanclus
Purple FFG Bronco300
Purple Pseudo marka1620
Purple Queen Anthiaspuffer32
Purple Tang Red Seaslammy16
Purple Tube Anemonewattsupdoc
Purpleback Pseudo njbeacher
Pygmy angel SWF
Queen Angel Adult Kingfish8302
Queen Angel Changingccampbell57
Queen Angel Juvi Isistius
Queen Conch Bronco300
Raccoon Bfly SWF
Radiata Lionfish MX#28
Red Coris Juvi SWF
Red General Star SWF
Red Gorgonian Koi Lady
Red Scooter BlennySWF
Red Serpent Star New180g
Red Starfish SWF
Rock Anemone reefkprz
Rooster Fairy WrasseTizzo
Rose BTA sk8shorty01
Royal Gramma TeresaQ
Rusty Angel craig83
Saddleback Clown SWF
Sailfin Tang BSchaible
Sailfin Tang Red SeaElitePhoto
Sally Lightfoot njbeacher
Sand Sifting Star Grennan
Scarlet Hermit CrabKey00west
Scissortail Goby happyhourh
Scopas Tang <3Scopas55
Sebae Clown SWF
Sexy Shrimp Bronco300
SG Blue Spot justkris9
SG Orange SpottedNew180g
SG Randalli mx#28
SG Yellow WatchmanDeMartini
Sixline Wrasse GeckoPSU
Sleeper banded bulletGrennan
Snowflake Eel 987654321
Spotted Hawkfish falcohappyhourh
Stars & Stripes PufferJohnyQuest
Strawberry Jumbo Hermitblaze98
Sun Coral Orange Bronco300
Sun Coral Yellow Bronco300
Tomato Clown SWF
Tomini Tang BrianD7878
Tongue Coral ci11337
Torch Coral Tizzo
True Percula Clown Grennan
Turbo/Astrea Snail njbeacher
Valentini Puffer spiderfist
Valida Acropora zanclus
Velevet Fairy WrasseSWF
Vermiculated Angel SWF
Vlamingi Tang turbo21
Volitan Lionfish MX#28
White Pincushion ElitePhoto
White Sebae AnemoneBronco300
White Spotted Grouperspiderfist
Xenia Wild Appaloosa1
Xenia AquaculturedPerfectDark
Yellow Acropora zanclus
Yellow Polyps Bronco300
Yellow Pony SeahorseSWF
Yellow Pygmy Angeljustkris9
Yellow Tang ElitePhoto
Yellow Wrasse Poll saltn00b
Yellowtail Blue Damselshinobi69
Zebra Eel Key00west
Zoos - Green Bronco300
Zoos Orange Bronco300
Zoos Super Orangesaltn00b
Zoos Brown SWF
Zoos Green Eye zanclus
Zoos Neon Colored DeMartini
Zoos Pink zanclus
Zoos Red SWF
Zoos Yellow Bronco300


Thanks SWF! Great contest and thank you very much for involving us members! I had no intention of ordering from the site because I dont usually trust shipping livestock, but after this contest, I will for sure place an order. I hope my pics that won will increase sales on those items for you!


Ok, NOW I'll tell you. I'm starting a new 125. These credits put a nice dent in my lr cost, this contest was a great idea and beneficial to so many of us! Thanks
tell the hermit guy I said,"hi." hehe


I won six different entries for a total of $120!! I want to thank everyone who voted for my pics. I never thought I would win so many!! I'll probably get some corals with my winnings and I'm so excited about it. Thanks again!


Active Member
Wow, congrats everyone, I sure tried to vote on every entry I could, and hope many others got a good look at all the wonderful pics too.