What are the advantages of the polyp extending??? I am assuming to be closer to the light but does this mean the colonies will grow better or is it just for looks purposes?
Originally Posted by petieaztec
What are the advantages of the polyp extending??? I am assuming to be closer to the light but does this mean the colonies will grow better or is it just for looks purposes?
Do you mean that your polyps are extending towards the top of your tank (towards the lights)? If so, it could mean that your bulbs are getting weak
Im using this reef supplement that said one of the benefits to using their product is that you will get better polyp extention. i was just wondering why that might be benefical for the polyps.
i have some zoos. I just bought the supplement because it said that i would brighten up my corals and fish. just trying to get some info on why the extention is important..... one person said for feeding.
Just out of curiousity what product is it? Many claim to do certain things and are just dressed up versions of other things that are more common and less expensive.
I agree if you are going to feed corals, I would recommend a spot feeding techique with cyclopeez, reef chilli, DT's. A general food supplement to a tank can go bad real fast. I have used Marine Snow in the past and it worked fairly well but it has be closely metered. $.02