Polyp Montipora Capricornus is it a good deal


A local is selling some frags of Blue polyp Montipora Capricornus for 30 bucks each and Pink polyp Montipora Capricornus for 40 bucks each. Is this a good deal? The Pink looks really cool IMO.


Active Member
price is relative, with all frags the best price is the price you are willing to pay. If he is selling them for those prices and you like them, it may be a good deal, if you would pay 20 instead of 30 and 30 instead of 40 offer it to him... When it comes to frags everyone has their own idea about what is fair


He claims they are hard to come by in those colors. Is that true? Guess I will just go and make an offer.


I'm new to SPS so anyone experience please correct me for both of our benefits if I am mistaken!
The blue polyp Monti Cap is a little more on the spendy side, the pink on the other hand is sketchy at best. I have a pink Monti Cap that really is just an orange that is blasted with light. Monti caps will change color (lighter or darker) with light intensity as they are tolerant of "A little to a lot". The blue might be a purple, the pink might be an orange, at either rate, check online prices vs your local frag and as stated above "It's a good deal if you like the price". I won't pay much for an Orange Monti Cap because I have plenty frags at my disposal, a Stylophora on the other hand when I find one, I'm going to toss a chunk at because there is none around my area.
Pic's below, top one is about two months in my tank and the bottom is about three weeks, both were about the same size when bought for $10 ea. Kind of a cool way to get two different color corals for the same money!
Pic of my "Pink" under 660w 6500k near the top of the tank

And a frag of the same coral at the bottom of the tank