polyp problems


New Member
what would you say that is the leading cause of the loss of all diffrent types of polyps from button to yellow and stick polyps because after a month or to they start to die off? My ammonia 0,Ph 8.2,nitrites 0,nitrates 0, phosphates 0, 195 watts pc,and 70 watts vho,1seaclone skimmer,1 -10gal refugium, tank has been set up for 2 and a half yearsbut just have recently put in refugium.I had in the past problems with fluctuations in ph because of 1 1/2 gallon Ro top offs every second day,I also dose with marine snow about twice a week.My water peramaters have always been good except 1 time where it spiked and I lost two of my best corals.That was hell trying to get back to 0 nitrates.All because I wanted more than five fish ,that were relatively small fish.I will have to try and post pic later.Thanks for any info in the fight to keep polyps.


Active Member
well my experience with th buttons and yellows is as follows:
almost all of them are gone, the yellows were gone in a matter of a couple of days. what i read was that peppermint shrimp and some other inverts like to munch on them! :eek: