Polyps are gone!


New Member
I have been into having liverock for about a year now! I have star polyps and another type,which I don't no the name for just going gangbusters. Recently I bought a cleanup crew which has hermits,emerald crabs snails,and peppermint shrimp. In the last few days,I have noticed that the polyps,for which I don't no the name,have all but dissapeared! Ouch! Can any one tell me what might be happing? Thanks


Welcome to the board

I love a good who dunnit, but in this case with the line up that you have I would have to suspect the peppermint shrimp as well. Dirty rotten scoundrals.
:eek: I'm confused. I thought I read it somewhere that peppermint shrimps were one of the cleaning crew members that helped to maintain a healthy reef tank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????? I think they are even sold in the package deal.


Peppermint shrimp can be a good addition to a reef tank, sometimes people get confused and purchase Camelback shrimp that look like peppermint shrimp. The camelback can be a pain with some of our corals. Make sure you can identify which is which.
Sometimes peppermints can cause the same problem if not properly fed, make sure that they are getting enough to eat.