pom pom crab

i just ordered one of these guys and was wondering if they have any special needs because i have never seen/owned one before
how long should i acclimate him for ? and do the anemones on their hands need strong lighting or will they be ok with regular lighting ? ?


I have never had one but i heard if it gets picked on it will detach its leg. i dont think that there is anything special about the anemones, i always thought of them as aptasia anemones.


I acclimated mine for around two hours. I don't know of any special needs. I only see mine at night with the use of redlight.


Active Member
I acclimated mine for 30 Minutes. 1 Cup of your DT water ever 10 minutes for 1/2 hour.
Worked fine with mine.
The anemones need no special treatment. Mine is in a 12 gallon, and I don't feed him directly. He scavenges, at night, Definitely a nocturnal species.. I hardly ever see mine, but I know where his cave is