Ponderind a Lion Starter setup


New Member
Ok... before i start, let me say this setup is temporary, that I fully Plan on upgrading to a 75 or greater within 2 years.
What I have available right now is a 30 gallon hex with a nice stand.
I plan on adding the following to it:
Hood w/ Quad Tube Power Compact Flourescents.
Protein Skimmer (Probably a Remora from Aqua C)
Either a Fluval 404 or an Eheim Cannister (looking at the one with the wet dry module... any suggestions?) (I don't have room for a sump or refugium)
I live in Texas, temps are pretty steady, and I think the lighting will provide enough heat, not sure, if not, I'll add a heater.
Tank Setup will consist of Indo Pacific (probably Fiji) live rock, live sand (It's a pound of rock per gallon right? I don't want to take away to much swimming space though) I plan on building a plenum into the sand, in keeping with the Monacoe Style Aquariums.
Now, here's my questions...
I want one fish, and one fish only in this setup, and that is either a Antenata or a Radiata Lion Fish... my problem stems from knowing which one is which! You can visit a dozen web sites and find either of the species described as the other... I like the dark red/brown with verticle white stripes, and striking white spines on all fins... I THINK it's the Radiata, but not sure.
Which is which?
And Some Questions:
Obviously all Lions are predators, and will fit whatever they can get in their mouths into their mouths. Does this include Corals and Anemonies? Feather Dusters? Christmas Tree Worms?
For a Clean Up Crew, I hear Turbo Snails are good, are their any crabs that can survive a Lion? and be effective? what about hermits? What about conches?
Brittle stars and the like?
Basically, I want to keep as much of a natural reef system as I can, obviously in a 30 keeping any other fish is out (I don't even want to) and I have no desire to waste money... so can anyone give me a short or long list of what has a reputation of working well? (I know all these fish have personalities, some ignore potential food sources, some don't, I have read almost every thread on this board with the words "Lionfish" back for 6 months...)
Thanks in advance, I appreciate your help.
BTW, This tank will be set up slowly over the next year, I have no intentions of rushing it, and truthfully, for financial reasons, I cant!

beach bum

too many questions! :p
I will only answer a couple - no lions do not eat corals, anemonies, hermits, conchs, or christmas tree worms.
An Antenneta has antennas and spots on the pec fins.
If you want a reef dump the fluval.
If you want a lion (in a 30 hex) keep the fluval and ditch half the live rock.
Skip the plenum and the DSB (IMO) you will need room for the lion (in a 30 hex), without a lion do whatever you want with the sandbed, you won't need the room as badly.
Buy a good book like The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Fenner and 500 Marine Fishes by Michaels (it will have pics and requirements for both Antenneta and Radiata lions).
best of luck,


New Member
thanks beach bum!
I will order it off amazon tonight.
And now, I may just have to look into getting a bigger tank...
I have 2 lions, one is 12 inches from head to tail and the other is a new acquisition that is only 2 inches long. One word of advice, make sure you see them eating. My big lion had to be wild caught and he is a constant challenge. The baby is eating anything I throw to him, and is joyfully chasing the food around the tank. The big lion has to have his fish in a certain way *head first, literally* and wont touch it once it hits the ground. Also, I think making sure they eat frozen is a tremendous plus.
I could talk about spike and leo all day...send me an email if you ever want to chat. I am not too far away, in Louisiana and the heater rarely kicks on except in the summer.