New Member
Ok... before i start, let me say this setup is temporary, that I fully Plan on upgrading to a 75 or greater within 2 years.
What I have available right now is a 30 gallon hex with a nice stand.
I plan on adding the following to it:
Hood w/ Quad Tube Power Compact Flourescents.
Protein Skimmer (Probably a Remora from Aqua C)
Either a Fluval 404 or an Eheim Cannister (looking at the one with the wet dry module... any suggestions?) (I don't have room for a sump or refugium)
I live in Texas, temps are pretty steady, and I think the lighting will provide enough heat, not sure, if not, I'll add a heater.
Tank Setup will consist of Indo Pacific (probably Fiji) live rock, live sand (It's a pound of rock per gallon right? I don't want to take away to much swimming space though) I plan on building a plenum into the sand, in keeping with the Monacoe Style Aquariums.
Now, here's my questions...
I want one fish, and one fish only in this setup, and that is either a Antenata or a Radiata Lion Fish... my problem stems from knowing which one is which! You can visit a dozen web sites and find either of the species described as the other... I like the dark red/brown with verticle white stripes, and striking white spines on all fins... I THINK it's the Radiata, but not sure.
Which is which?
And Some Questions:
Obviously all Lions are predators, and will fit whatever they can get in their mouths into their mouths. Does this include Corals and Anemonies? Feather Dusters? Christmas Tree Worms?
For a Clean Up Crew, I hear Turbo Snails are good, are their any crabs that can survive a Lion? and be effective? what about hermits? What about conches?
Brittle stars and the like?
Basically, I want to keep as much of a natural reef system as I can, obviously in a 30 keeping any other fish is out (I don't even want to) and I have no desire to waste money... so can anyone give me a short or long list of what has a reputation of working well? (I know all these fish have personalities, some ignore potential food sources, some don't, I have read almost every thread on this board with the words "Lionfish" back for 6 months...)
Thanks in advance, I appreciate your help.
BTW, This tank will be set up slowly over the next year, I have no intentions of rushing it, and truthfully, for financial reasons, I cant!
What I have available right now is a 30 gallon hex with a nice stand.
I plan on adding the following to it:
Hood w/ Quad Tube Power Compact Flourescents.
Protein Skimmer (Probably a Remora from Aqua C)
Either a Fluval 404 or an Eheim Cannister (looking at the one with the wet dry module... any suggestions?) (I don't have room for a sump or refugium)
I live in Texas, temps are pretty steady, and I think the lighting will provide enough heat, not sure, if not, I'll add a heater.
Tank Setup will consist of Indo Pacific (probably Fiji) live rock, live sand (It's a pound of rock per gallon right? I don't want to take away to much swimming space though) I plan on building a plenum into the sand, in keeping with the Monacoe Style Aquariums.
Now, here's my questions...
I want one fish, and one fish only in this setup, and that is either a Antenata or a Radiata Lion Fish... my problem stems from knowing which one is which! You can visit a dozen web sites and find either of the species described as the other... I like the dark red/brown with verticle white stripes, and striking white spines on all fins... I THINK it's the Radiata, but not sure.
Which is which?
And Some Questions:
Obviously all Lions are predators, and will fit whatever they can get in their mouths into their mouths. Does this include Corals and Anemonies? Feather Dusters? Christmas Tree Worms?
For a Clean Up Crew, I hear Turbo Snails are good, are their any crabs that can survive a Lion? and be effective? what about hermits? What about conches?
Brittle stars and the like?
Basically, I want to keep as much of a natural reef system as I can, obviously in a 30 keeping any other fish is out (I don't even want to) and I have no desire to waste money... so can anyone give me a short or long list of what has a reputation of working well? (I know all these fish have personalities, some ignore potential food sources, some don't, I have read almost every thread on this board with the words "Lionfish" back for 6 months...)
Thanks in advance, I appreciate your help.
BTW, This tank will be set up slowly over the next year, I have no intentions of rushing it, and truthfully, for financial reasons, I cant!