I have had a picasso trigger now for almost 2 years. He's in a 75 fowlr and is starting to look "unhappy." He's never been aggressive towards anyone else in the tank and no one has ever bothered him. Lately, I've noticed him napping during the day which he has only done at night in the past. My niger trigger naps during the day (by that I mean finds a place and lays down), but picasso has just taken this strange hobby up. Today, he wasn't as interested in eating as he usually is. As we all know, triggers LIVE and LOVE to eat, so that has me a bit concerned.
I did a 20 gallon water change last night and all water parameters have checked fine. Anyone have any idea what might be going on? He looks fine too...nothing unusual about his body or fins. Help my little baby!! He was the first fish I had in my tank!!
I did a 20 gallon water change last night and all water parameters have checked fine. Anyone have any idea what might be going on? He looks fine too...nothing unusual about his body or fins. Help my little baby!! He was the first fish I had in my tank!!