poor powder blue


i have a problem with my pb tang,wich i never heard or saw here,so i need help!!!
4 days ago my niger trigger bite off half of pb lip (they were fiting fof a little peice of formula 1),since that pb didnt eat,he got skinny.most of the time he stay in one place but sometimesswimms aroung.but i cant make him eat for nothing..no reaction for food at all.i tryd evrything....what should i do???


Active Member
not have a poweder blue and niger trigger in the same tank. The PB is probably gonna get ich from the triger that is harassing him.


u my be right,,,but i have them together for about a year,,,and no problems at all.bisides my pb twice bigger.but thankx for respond

here fishy

first the PB is probaly stressing over the conflict and they will not eat when this occurs...try getting some dried greens at the local shop and attaching it to a clip which you will need to place near it. frozen lifeline (Gree or red is great for tangs.)
You might get ich from this so soak your food in a garlic solution and that will help control that..
You can keep triggers and tangs together if they are larger of similar in size to the trigger. Heck the only thing my picasso nips at is my wifes hand... :D


Active Member
I'd use the green algae for the tang. The red algae is geared towards angels and other algae eaters.