poorly bicolor blenny


New Member
my bicolor bleeny seems ill he is just sitting on the sand bed now not moving much he use to swimm about lots and perch on the rocks he doesnt seem to want to do this now and today he not eating. he seems to breathing quite quick too. i had a blue cheek goby die yesterday he seemed fine then went quiet stopped eating and was laying on the sand just breathin heavy he than died. im new to this and a bit worried there is something happening here and i may lose my other fish. at the minuate they all seem fine. my water is fine had it tested 2 days ago. anyone able to help?


they do that when they get stressed. He may even change color. mine is like a drama queen. if something like getting a fish out with a net upset him he will do that for a few hrs. give him time and he will snap out of it. If your water tested fine i would not worry to much. Just leave him alone is the best thing to do!! Dont worry about him not eating cause they eat. They pick at rocks, algae etc.


Active Member
You say your water tested fine, but please post the actual parameters. Also, whenever something goes wrong (random death) in my tank I immediatly do at least a 25% water change. Water changes will help dilute anything that's causing it, and wont hurt anything at all. How is everything else looking (corals, inverts, other fish?). How big is this tank, and how old?
I also suggust running some carbon, which is another thing I immediatly do as a precation if something goes wrong. If a pollutant gets in the water, like a cleaning solution, it'll help get rid of it.